Dr. Michael Starke


Dr. Michael Starke Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

  • Contact hours Tuesday
  • Address Berner Fachhochschule
    School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences HAFL
    Fachbereich Waldwissenschaften
    Länggasse 85
    3052 Zollikofen


  • Project Leader (National Biomass Inventory Outside Forest Areas (REFEWOODLAND); Industry 4.0 and Digital Twins: Module zur Digitalen Vernetzung)

  • Researcher

  • Teacher in own Responsibility (Forest Road Restoration, Project Management, Forest Road Network Reengineering)

  • Contributing Teacher


  • Forest Sciences (BSc)

  • CAS (Course of Advanced Studies) of Forest Management as part of the Master Studies

  • Environmental and Resource Management (URM BSc)

  • Planning of Technical Projects (Forest Road re engineering and project realization) (BSc) (2023 - )

  • Forest Operations (URM BSc) (2024 - )

  • Logging Cost Estimation (forest operations basics) (BSc) (2016- )

  • Forest Adaption under Climate Change (URM BSc) (2024 - )

  • Carbon-Stock Monitoring Outside forest Areas (BSc) (2022 - )

  • Biomass Estimation Outside Forest Areas (BSc) (2022 - )

  • Forest Access Planning and Utility Value Analysis (BSc) (2021 - )

  • Cable Yarding (BSc) (2016 - 2023)

  • LiDAR in Forest Operations (CAS) (2022)

  • Environmental Assessment of the Use of Forestry Machinery (CAS) (2022)

  • IT in Forest Machinery (CAS) (2022)

  • Remote Sensing Basics in Forestry (CAS) (2016)


  • Forest Operations

  • LiDAR

  • Image Processing with AI

  • Process- Optimization

  • Digitalization

  • Industry 4.0

  • Biomass modeling (ALS)

  • Biomass / Trees outside forest areas

  • Urban Forestry (Effects of Vegetation, Forest Operations under the influence of Urban Environments)

  • Some programming languages, methods and frameworks: R, Python, TLS, MLS, ALS , Git, Linux-Shell


  • 2017 - Research Associate Bern University of Applied Sciences
  • 2015 - 2016 Research Assistant Bern University of Applied Sciences
  • 2012 - 2014 Forest Manager in State Forest Service Bavarian State Forest Administration
  • 2009 - 2011 Trainee / Vorbereitungsdienst Bayerische Staatsforsten AöR, Bavarian State Forest Administration
  • 2009 Scientific Assistant Georg-August- University Göttingen, Chair of Forest Management and Ecology of the Temperate Zones
  • 2007 - 2008 Student Assistant Technical University of Munich, Chair of Soil Sciences
  • 2018-2023 Doctoral Degree (Dr. nat. techn.) University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna
  • 2009-2011 Forstassessor Bavarian State Forestry
  • 2007-2009 Master in Sciences (TUM) M.Sc. Technical University of Munich
  • 2003-2009 Dipl.-Ing. Silv. Univ. (TUM) Technical University of Munich


  • Contribution in: Initiative Wald und Holz 4.0: Feasibility Study of Connecting the Timber Supply Chain in an Industry 4.0 Environment (2020)


Supervised theses

  • Vonarburg, Vittoria Evaluierung von seitlichen Aufwölbungseffekten bei der Spurrillenentwicklung 2024

  • Giacomelli, Nicola Erschliessungsprojekt «Val d’Anzon»: Variantenstudie für die Verbesserung der Erschliessung im Val d’Anzon in der Gemeinde Mesocco 2023

  • Schwegler, Dominik Test des Schlagloch-Algorithmus auf unterschiedliche Einflussparameter Untersuchung des Objekterkennungs-Algorithmus bei unterschiedlichen Wettergegebenheiten und Detektionsdistanzen 2023

  • Rennhard, Viviane Extrahierung von Baumparametern aus LiDAR-Daten Ein Vergleich zwischen dem Forest Structural Complexity Tool und dem R-Package «lidR» 2022

  • Brodbeck, Niclo Erarbeitung von geometrischen Parametern zur Quantifizierung von forstlichen Strassenzuständen mit echtzeitfähigen LiDAR Systemen: Verfahrenserarbeitung zur Implementierung der LiDAR Messtechnik im forstlichen Wegeunterhalt 2021

Language skills and intercultural knowledge

  • German - Native or bilingual proficiency
  • English - Full professional proficiency
  • French - Limited working proficiency