Prof. Dr. Claus Noppeney Dozent
Künstlerisch Ausgebildete stossen in Unternehmen zunehmend auf Interesse. Die Beziehungen zwischen ihnen und den Unternehmen sind jedoch oft von wechselseitigen Spannungen und zuweilen auch von...
Processes of developing new fragrances: How are new fragrances developed? How are meanings in the process of fragrance development negotiated among the actors involved? And what role does the special...
This project orchestrated meaningful dialogues on smell as a cultural practice.
The absence of women in the field of Swiss graphic design is examined using a full survey of graphic design graduates at Bern University of the Arts. The project reconstructs patterns of professional...
Endrissat, N., Noppeney, C., & Islam, G. (2015). Viusal Organizing: Balancing coordination and creative freedom via mood boards. In Journal of Business Research (Vol. 69, Issue 7). Elsevier.