Bioconversion and Protective Cultures

We use microorganisms for specific purposes and optimise the quality and safety of food products – for foods that are produced naturally and in environmentally sustainable ways.

In our group we work on a variety of applied research projects that explore the targeted use of microorganisms to optimise the quality and safety of plant- and animal-based foods. These projects involve spontaneous fermentation, the development and use of starter cultures and protective cultures and the maintenance of a robust microbiome for biopreservation. Through our activities we highlight the great potential of the use of microorganisms for the production of natural and environmentally sustainable foods from field to fork.

We use modern microbiological and molecular biological methods to characterise the microorganisms, as well as physicochemical and sensory analysis to identify the effects achieved in the foods. Our projects are conducted in collaboration with various research partners, including Agroscope Liebefeld/Poisieux, which has a unique culture collection as well as advanced molecular biological expertise and know-how.

Expertise and infrastructure

Microbiological and molecular biological methods

  • Traditional microbiological methods for the detection of different microorganism groups

  • Various assays to determine the inhibitory effect of selected microorganisms (e.g. on mycelial growth, which results from the germination of mould spores)

  • Identification using modern molecular biology methods (in-house and externally, qPCR, etc.)

  • MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry (in collaboration with Agroscope)

  • Biolog characterisation of substrate use in lactic acid bacteria (in collaboration with Agroscope)

  • Clarification of QPS status (e.g. antibiotic resistance, virulence or production of biogenic amines)

Physicochemical methods

  • HPLC UV/RID to identify sugars and organic acids, vitamins formed, etc.
  • Verification and quantification of composition (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, micronutrients) and structure (consistency, elasticity, viscosity)
  • Rheometry
  • Selective photometric determination


Current projects (in German)

Die verborgenen Nährwerte von zwei pflanzlichen Rohstoffen – süssen Aprikosenkernen aus dem Wallis und regionalen Favabohnen – werden zusammen für die Produktion von nachhaltigen und proteinreichen veganen Milchprodukte-Alternativen eingesetzt. Durch Milchsäurefermentation bilden sich feste Säuregele, zudem erhalten die fermentierten Produkte mehr Aroma und einen angenehmen Geschmack.

Unser Forschungsprojekt untersucht innovative Wege zur Herstellung von vitaminangereichertem Wasserkefir aus Fruchttrester, einem wertvollen Nebenprodukt der Saftherstellung. Durch den gezielten Einsatz von Mikroorganismen schaffen wir ein nährstoffreiches, probiotisches Getränk, das natürliche Vitamine wie B12 enthält. Gemeinsam mit dem Startup ISKO aus Genf entwickeln wir dieses nachhaltige Produkt, das Lebensmittelabfälle reduziert und gleichzeitig eine hochwertige, gesunde Alternative für eine ausgewogene Ernährung bietet.

Das Projekt PIMENTO zielt darauf ab, fermentierte Lebensmittel (FF) aufgrund ihrer Vorteile in Bezug auf Ernährung, Nachhaltigkeit, Innovation, kulturelles Erbe und Verbraucherinteresse in den Fokus zu rücken. Es strebt danach, das Potenzial von FF zur Verbesserung der menschlichen Gesundheit, Förderung von Lebensmittelinnovationen und lokaler Produktion zu nutzen. Das langfristige Ziel von PIMENTO ist es, Europa in Bezug auf mikrobielle Lebensmittelinnovationen führend zu machen und Gesundheit, regionale Vielfalt, lokale Produktion und Ernährungssouveränität zu fördern.

Completed projects (in German)

Protective cultures

Current projects

The fungus Thielaviopsis (T.) basicola (syn. Chalara elegans) causes black root rot disease, which leads to huge losses of some crops in the field and in storage. The present project seeks to develop an alternative biopreservation method based on a protective culture consisting of lactic acid bacteria. The aim is to establish a resilient microbial system that prevents the development of black rot on carrots (as a model organism). The project involves close collaboration between BFH HAFL, Agroscope and the University of Fribourg; it is supported by the Swiss vegetable sector (Swisscofel, VSGP) and the Sur-la-Croix foundation.

Completed projects

The main aim of this project is to investigate the potential use of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) in the development of protective cultures as an alternative strategy for preventing food spoilage. The project uses strawberries and their main spoilage agent Botrytis cinerea (a mould) as an example. The model serves as proof of concept for the further development of protective cultures for use with fresh or minimally processed fruit and vegetables. The results are expected to include an extended shelf life, a reduction in residues and environmental risks from pesticide use, and a reduction in food losses, thereby improving profitability throughout the food value chain. The ecological potential of useful microorganisms to protect strawberries is being tested in the laboratory, in greenhouses and in the field (pre- and post-harvest).

Selected publications

Team & Contact

Are you interested in working with us, or would you like to know more about our research activities in the field of bioconversion and protective cultures? Please get in touch.