
We bring our wide-ranging expertise to a diverse selection of research and development projects – centring on industrial applications and, above all, medical technology.

Application expertise in medical technology

Our laboratories have specialized in various engineering technologies and thus create ideal conditions for the competent development and research of medtech and industrial applications with interdisciplinary character.

  • Research and development of diagnostic systems and technologies in electrophysiology and ophthalmology.
  • Research on medical monitoring systems and technologies for measuring physiological parameters.
  • Certified under ISO 13485 for the design, production and life cycle of med-tech devices (since 2015)
  • Research and development of monitoring and analysis systems to support coaches in competitive sport

Microelectronics Laboratory

In our research and development activities, we focus on energy efficiency, processing performance and miniaturisation.

Signal processing/microelectronics

We concentrate on application-specific implementations of signal processing, control and CPU-intensive algorithms in hardware solutions using ASIC or FPGA. In implementing algorithms using the method of hardware/software co-design, we combine the advantages of flexible microprocessor technology with the advantages of high-performance, application-specific ASIC/FPGA hardware.

In current R&D projects, we are working on applications in the fields of medical technology, including oesophageal electrocardiography and processes for manufacturing active catheters in the cleanroom, employing new technologies to combine flex print with catheter tubes.

  • Hardware algorithms
  • Microelectronics
  • Low-power and high-speed ASIC design
  • Pattern recognition
  • Signal processing
  • Control systems
  • Oesophageal electrocardiography
  • Certification under ISO 13485 for the design and production of cardiovascular technologies for catheter production.

Optics Laboratory

The HuCE optoLab is a competence centre for optomechanical and optoelectronic design and engineering. Our facilities allow us to design, realise and test devices for optical scanning. Our expertise enables us to carry out feasibility studies at short notice.


The main activities of the HuCE optoLab are in the field of optical coherence tomography (OCT). We develop cutting-edge spectral domain (SDOCT) and swept source (SSOCT) OCT systems with the latest optical components and laser systems.

  • Optics
  • Optical coherence tomography (OCT)
  • Spectral domain and swept source OCT systems with cutting-edge optical components and laser systems
  • Ophthalmological med-tech devices for investigation and intervention procedures

Biomedicine Laboratory

In the Biomedical Engineering research group (HuCE BME Lab), we combine technologies from different engineering disciplines to address specific questions in the fields of medicine and biology. We benefit from expertise in the fields of biomechanics, biomedical sensors and actuators, electronics, telemetry, signal and image processing and engineering physics.


We focus our research and development activities on applications relating to electronic implants, biomedical instrumentation, electronic healthcare and optical instruments for diagnosis. Current R&D projects include bioreactors for tissue engineering, capsule implants, diagnosing apnoea, energy harvesting, multi-electrode measurements of heart cell cultures and optoacoustic imaging.

  • Electronic implants
  • Capsule implants
  • Apnoea diagnostics
  • Biomechanics
  • Intelligent medical instruments
  • Sensors
  • Biomedical signal processing and analysis

Laboratory for Computer Perception and Virtual Reality

Research at the HuCE cpvrLab focuses on Computer Perception, Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence.

Computer Perception

Computer perception is the science and technology of computers that analyse images, videos, sounds, haptic information and sensor signals, enabling them to see and feel.

Virtual Reality

Sometimes you need more than just a standard computer monitor to visualise your data. Virtual Reality uses different technologies and devices for multi-modal human-computer interaction, helping you to view, understand and interact with complex 3D data.

Artificial Intelligence

The system has to make decisions based on different types of information and the problem it is presented with. It is therefore crucial that you model the information so that it delivers rational results.

  • Cognitive computing and virtual reality simulation
  • Image processing
  • Medical image analysis
  • Haptics
  • Biometrics and authentication

Laboratory for Robotics

Research in the roboticsLab focuses on smart environments for industrial and medical applications, and in particular human-robot collaboration.


  • Collaborative robotics: development of smart workspaces with human-robot interaction
  • Medical applications: robot-assisted, collaborative solutions for the medical technology industry

Laboratory for Sensor Technology

The HuCE-sensorLab research group is made up of researchers and engineers from a range of disciplines. Their specialist skills and knowledge enable them to support internal and external research groups.


The group designs system architectures for control applications, ARM microcontroller systems and CANopen applications. One application is a technical interface for musical instruments. We help plan and run statistical experiments. We process the data, visualise it using cutting-edge graphical tools, and use statistical methods to analyse it. Using mathematical models and numerical simulations, we examine the behaviour of complex systems.

  • Sensor technology
  • Sensor networks
  • Numerical analysis
  • Statistics
  • Data mining in medical technology

Laboratory for Rehabilitation Engineering

In the Laboratory for Rehabilitation Engineering (rehaLab), the researchers use technologies from the world of competitive sport to improve the rehabilitation process for individuals following an accident or illness. This requires them to work closely with neuro-rehabilitation clinics. The focus is on the areas of rehabilitation technology and sports technology.

Rehabilitation technology

The interdisciplinary research focuses on the neural control of movement in patients with neurological deficits due to spinal injuries, a stroke or other reasons.

Sports technology

The sports technology research group focuses on interdisciplinary research into advanced feedback systems for treadmill automation. Our work is based on multidisciplinary expertise in technology, sport and movement.

Core competencies

  • Cardiopulmonary and musculoskeletal rehabilitation
  • Neurological adaptation and recovery
  • Rehabilitation robotics
  • Cycling system innovations
  • Functional electric stimulation
  • Micro and whole-body vibration
  • Treadmill automation
  • Cardiopulmonary training and test protocols
  • Control technology and signal processing

SCI-Mobility Laboratory

The HuCE-SCI-Lab aims to make it easier for people with reduced mobility to get around day to day. We test market products for users and industry. The development and prototyping of new vehicles at our lab enables us to adopt an innovative approach to improving the safety, comfort and autonomy of the persons concerned. Our team is also developing innovative solutions to improve quality of life for people with reduced mobility.

Core competencies

  • Testing and analysis of electric drives for wheelchairs
  • Testing and measuring the rigidity of wheelchair frames
  • Measuring deformation using a strain gauge
  • Fatigue testing on vehicles for people with reduced mobility
  • Testing and measuring the electric drives of trikes, bikes and cargo bikes
  • Feasibility studies on the construction of vehicles for people with reduced mobility
  • Prototyping of such vehicles
  • Project support for the development of vehicles for people with reduced mobility