Mach dich schlau – Lern- und Lehrstrategien im Instrumentalunterricht 50plus
People aged 50 and over are a growing target group at music schools and they have all kinds of potential. However, there is hardly any secure knowledge in the German-speaking world about goals and learning strategies for this target group.
Schools involved
Bern Academy of the Arts
School of Social Work -
Institute Interpretation
Institute on Ageing - Research unit(s) Music Theory
- Funding organisation BFH
- Duration 01.02.2014 - 31.07.2015
Head of project
Corinne Holtz
Prof. Dr. Jonathan Bennett -
Project staff
Daniel Allenbach
Iris Haefely
Michaela Maurer
Karen Torben-Nielsen
The same is true of didactic concepts and teachers’ experiences. And yet lifelong musical learning and teaching is a process that has been described in neurobiological research and has made headlines as «brain jogging». This project gathers systematic knowledge about the strategies of learners and teachers by means of guided interviews, and investigates age-specific expectations and teaching methods currently being practised. The knowledge thereby gained will flow into an interactive online guide for teaching instruments to the 50plus age group, and will be expanded by drawing on the expertise of the participating practical community.