Soil mapping in SG Rhine Valley

Organic soil of the Rhine valley contribute to agricultural production. Their fertility is threatened by organic matter decomposition. A soil map produced with an efficient method is necessary to take decisions.



The aim of the project is the development of efficient soil mapping method, development of soil core image analysis, development of efficient data flow management, analysis of actual and future organic soils problems.

Course of action

the project is divided into 6 workpackages: workpackage 1: soil mapping as base information workpackage 2: characterization of the different peat and gley types workpackage 3: analysis and documentation of old oversanding workpackage 4: analysis of actual agricultural systems workpackage 5: analysis of improvement possibilities of the soil fertility workpackage 6: knowledge transfer

This project contributes to the following SDGs

  • 2: Zero hunger
  • 15: Life on land