Series of events "Shaping a Sustainable Digital World" Conference and Workshops

Until March 2021, follow-up workshops to the event "Shaping a Sustainable Digital World" of 8.5.2020 took place. All events were dedicated to the development of project ideas in the field of digitalisation and the environment.


  • Lead school Business School
  • Institute(s) Institute for Public Sector Transformation
  • Research unit(s) Public Sector Innovation
  • Funding organisation Others
  • Duration 01.11.2019 - 30.04.2021
  • Project management BEat Estermann
  • Head of project Flurina Wäspi
  • Project staff Nadine Flückiger
    Tin Huynh
  • Partner Stiftung Mercator Schweiz
    Bundesamt für Umwelt BAFU
  • Keywords Agenda 2030, sustainability, environment, SDGs, digital transformation, digitization


Against the backdrop of the megatrends of digitalisation and climate change, the BFH was commissioned by the FOEN to study the opportunities and challenges of digitization in the environmental sector and the areas in which action is needed. The results of this study prompted a series of events on the theme of "Shaping a Sustainable Digital World" with a conference in May 2020 and several follow-up workshops from December 2020 to March 2021.

Course of action

The series of events was aimed at representatives of business, politics, science and civil society who are involved in the fields of the environment and/or digitizatioin. On the day of the conference, the Policy Kitchen innovation platform of the think tank foraus was used, Mural in the follow-up workshops. The participants were provided with documents, keynotes, information on design thinking and the funding of project ideas.


On 8 May 2020, more than 70 representatives from business, politics, science and civil society developed 33 ideas in the five focus areas of circular economy, sufficiency, efficiency, transparency and data exchange and data governance during the one-day conference (see Policy Kitchen website). Some of these ideas were then further developed in five follow-up workshops, which resulted in various draft projects. The output of the project series also includes the two keynote speeches recorded at the conference, the contributions of the experts at the workshops and the contributions on the theme of 'design thinking' that were made available to the participants of the follow-up workshops (available on the linked events pages).

Looking ahead

With the implementation of the last event in March 2021 the project is terminated. The project plans developed in the follow-up workshops are open to the project groups for further development after the end of the project.

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