Me and My Planet

Me & My Planet enables people to reflect on the effects of their lifestyle and to explore the possibilities and conditions for changing their behaviour, based on their own everyday life and professional field.


  • Lead school Business School
  • Institute(s) Institute for Sustainable Business
  • Funding organisation Others
  • Duration (planned) 01.03.2024 - 31.12.2028
  • Project management Manuel Fischer
  • Head of project Manuel Fischer
  • Keywords nachhaltigerKonsum, ökologischerFussabdruck, Kohlenstoff-Fußabdruck, nachhaltigerKonsum, transformativesLernen, reflectivelearning, digitallearningtool


In order for people to be able to contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in their everyday professional and private lives, it is essential that they know more about their individual footprint. It is also important for the development of an effective and broad-based climate policy that people better understand their individual footprint and its ecological impact. The idea for Me & My Planet arose from a need expressed by teachers in the field of sustainable development/education for sustainable development. Over the past four years, Me & My Planet has been used as a pilot in the three degree programmes of the Department of Business at Bern University of Applied Sciences and has thus been tested on well over 1000 students. The feedback has been extremely positive and has shown that in-depth learning processes are taking place. Against this background, the idea was born to further develop this learning offer and to make it available to other interested educational organisations without restriction.

Course of action

In the first phase of the project, the methodological and didactic concept will be further developed based on extensive experience and the latest scientific findings on transformative learning. At the same time, the corresponding digital tool will be developed and the database for calculating the ecological footprint will be compiled. In the second and third phases, the tool will be extensively tested in various study programmes from different subject areas and further developed based on the experience gained. A particular focus will be placed on further developing the tool for specific professions.


In the Me & My Planet learning programme, participants look at their individual consumption and lifestyle, their ecological impact and reflect individually and together with others on the possibilities and conditions for behavioural changes and more sustainable lifestyles. A digital tool enables participants to document their consumption behaviour and lifestyle over a certain period of time and to calculate and analyse their ecological footprint in detail. Background information, fun tasks and detailed reports support them in the process. Based on this, they reflect individually and together with other participants on consumption, lifestyles and lasting, conscious changes in behaviour. In this learning programme, participants acquire well-founded skills to make their private and professional lives more sustainable and to motivate and empower others to do the same.

Looking ahead

The finished learning offer should be made available to interested educational organisations (primarily at tertiary level and in non-formal education) without restriction.

This project contributes to the following SDGs

  • 12: Responsible consumption and production
  • 13: Climate action