Mentoring programme at BFH-HAFL
The move from studying to the world of work throws up lots of questions. Join BFH-HAFL’s mentoring programme and benefit from the knowledge of experienced professionals.
Acquire valuable experience, make important contacts and benefit from the knowledge of older professionals. The mentoring programme is a cooperation between BFH-HAFL and BFH-HAFL alumni. The scheme brings together students as mentees and experienced professionals as voluntary mentors. A mentee and a mentor together form a tandem that meets at flexible intervals over the course of a year. Within this tandem the two people discuss issues that arise in connection with the move to the world of work.
The topics might, for example, include:
- career planning
- combining work and family life
- personal and professional development
- networking
- negotiating pay and conditions
- discussion of issues in your specialist field
- help with decision-making
- learning about the mentor’s everyday work

Registering as a mentee
Are you about to finish your studies and wondering what comes next? Register for the mentoring programme!
Registration for the 2024/25 programme closes on 31 August 2024.
Registering as a mentor
Are you an experienced professional who would like to support students at BFH-HAFL as they embark on their career? Register for the mentoring programme!
Registration for the 2024/25 programme closes on 31 July 2024.
Kick-off event for the 2024/25 mentoring programme
After registering for the mentoring programme you will receive an invitation to the kick-off event. Date: 22 October 2024, 6.30 – 8.00 p.m. at BFH-HAFL.
How long does the mentoring last?
The mentoring programme starts in October each year and runs for a year. Ideally students will remain in the mentoring programme for a couple of months after they start work so that they can discuss issues that arise. As a rule, tandems can expect to meet between four and eight times. At the start and end of the programme there will be a networking meeting at which all mentors and mentees can talk and get to know each other.
Who is mentoring designed for?
- You are in the final year of your BSc or MSc programme at BFH-HAFL.
- You are interested in developing as a person and exploring your goals.
- You would like to benefit from your mentor’s experience and from discussion with them.
- You are prepared to be reflective, proactive, engaged, trusting, committed and open.
- It is the student’s responsibility to arrange regular meetings.
Who are our mentors?
- professional people with a degree from BFH-HAFL who are now working in various fields;
- with at least three years’ professional experience after completing their degree;
- interested in offering voluntary support to final-year students.
What conditions apply?
Students and mentors undertake to engage with the programme on an active and committed basis and to attend the planned events. A joint agreement to this effect will be signed at the start of the mentoring relationship. Meetings should preferably be in person but can be held by videoconferencing if necessary. A meeting can also be linked to an event such as a professional conference or lecture.
How does matching work?
After registration, students receive a list of available mentors. Students choose their three preferred candidates. The name of the allocated mentor will be communicated before the kick-off event in October.
We are happy to answer questions.