Open Science for Arts, Design and Music OS-ADM

The project aims at supporting the Swiss disciplinary fields of ADM (Arts, Design and Music) in implementing the swissuniversities Open Access Strategy and Action Plan 2021–2024, in collaboration with key stakeholders.

Fiche signalétique

  • Département responsable Haute école des arts de Berne
  • Institut(s) Institute of Design Research
  • Organisation d'encouragement Autres
  • Durée (prévue) 01.01.2022 - 31.12.2024
  • Responsable du projet Beat Estermann
  • Direction du projet Iolanda Pensa
  • Équipe du projet Daniel Allenbach
    Marie-Eve von Allmen
    Dr. Claudio Bacciagaluppi
    Max Frischknecht
  • Partenaire SUPSI - Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana
    Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
  • Mots-clés open science, open access, open data, research publications, data management, arts, design, music, copyright, public domain


The disciplinary fields of ADM present a series of complex issues related to the reuse and distribution of artwork and of third parties content under copyright, not accessible in public domain and subject to a series of restrictions. These disciplinary fields produce a wide range of multimedia outputs, they imply action-research and practice-based research, and they collaborate with specialized national Swiss publishing houses. This situation makes the implementation of Open Access in the disciplinary fields of ADM particularly complex. At the same time, practices developed within these fields address issues which are relevant in other disciplines.


The project aims at supporting the Swiss disciplinary field of ADM in implementing the swissuniversities Open Access action plan 2021-2024 in collaboration with key stakeholders. More specifically, the project involves a network of Swiss schools of ADM and it develops centralised and local services. The centralised service produces guidelines and solutions for a selection of case studies with the support of a legal team; it produces webinars and training for the local staff, it involves Swiss institutions in international networks and it triggers Green and Gold Open Access among the publications in the field of ADM. At a local level, the different schools involved notify case studies, receive training and coaching to support their researchers, teachers and collaborators, to include Open Access and Open Data (i.e. copyright management, open licenses, multimedia formats, reviewing pro- cesses) within students’ curricula and to negotiate with national publishers specialised in ADM.