Plug & Play Photovoltaic Systems

The project investigates the potential for plug-and-play PV systems in Switzerland. Based on operating scenarios and device analyses, a list of requirements (performance, safety, processes) for future approval will be drawn up.


  • Lead school School of Engineering and Computer Science
  • Institute(s) Institute for Energy and Mobility Research IEM
  • Research unit(s) IEM / Photovoltaic systems
  • Strategic thematic field Thematic field "Sustainable Development"
  • Funding organisation Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft (Bundesverwaltung)
  • Duration (planned) 01.09.2023 - 31.12.2025
  • Project management Prof. Dr. Christof Bucher
  • Head of project Prof. Dr. Christof Bucher
  • Project staff Theo Zwahlen
    Luciano Borgna
    Sebastian Tobias Koch
    Donat Hess
  • Partner Bundesamt für Energie BFE
    Meteotest (Konsortium)
    Verband Schweizerischer Elektrokontrollen VSEK (Konsortium)
    Electrosuisse (Konsortium)
    Eidgenössisches Starkstrominspektorat ESTI (Advisory Group)
    Verband Schweizerischer Elektrizitätsunternehmen VSE (Advisory Group)
    BKW (Advisory Group)
    Energiegenossenschaft Schweiz (Advisory Group)
    Hassler Energia (Advisory Group)
    Solarblitz (Advisory Group)
  • Keywords Plug-and-play PV, Plug’n’play solar, balcony solar system, balcony power plant, plug in solar


Plug-and-play solar systems are becoming increasingly popular. As these are not installed systems but consumer products, their legal handling is a challenge. With regard to safety and personal protection, there are no binding technical specifications for this product category. The market processes from registration to payment for the energy produced are not yet standardised. Also, the potential of such balcony systems in Switzerland is not yet known. Finally, the question of whether a higher output than the current 600W per power supply circuit would be legitimate in future has so far remained unanswered.

Course of action

The potential of plug-and-play PV systems in Switzerland is being investigated by means of a sample-based study using open data and geoinformation systems. The existing recommendations, directives, standards and regulations are collected for Switzerland as well as in an international context and used as a basis for further work. Safety-relevant aspects are considered in an operating and failure scenario analysis and, together with findings from laboratory tests, are ultimately incorporated into a recommendation for the future regulatory organisation. In addition to safety requirements and clear statements on maximum connected load, this should also include a proposal for practicable market processes in connection with plug-and-play PV systems.

Looking ahead

The findings and recommendations from the project are to become binding rules in suitable forms for Switzerland. The potential study is scheduled to appear as a stand-alone publication in autumn 2024.

Im Projekt wird das Potenzial für Plug & Play PV-Systeme eruiert.
Im Projekt wird das Potenzial für Plug & Play PV-Systeme eruiert.

This project contributes to the following SDGs

  • 7: Affordable and clean energy
  • 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure
  • 11: Sustainable cities and communities
  • 13: Climate action