Prof. Dr. Sabine Hahn

Prof. Dr. Sabine Hahn Fachbereichsleiterin Pflege
Vendredi -
Berner Fachhochschule
Fachbereich Pflege
Stadtbachstrasse 64
3012 Bern
Responsable de la Division Soins infirmiers
Directrice Soin, recherche appliquée et développement
Points forts
Soins psychiatriques et santé mentale
Agression, violence et coercition dans le domaine des soins de santé
Qualité des soins et développement de la qualité
Nouveaux rôles, mélange de grades et collaboration
Gestion de la complexité
Gestion, direction et promotion des jeunes professionnels
Promotion de l'innovation et gestion de l'innovation
Parcours professionnel
- Prof. Sabine Hahn (PhD, CNS, RN) heads the School of Nursing and the Unit of Applied Research in Nursing at Bern University of Applied Sciences. She is the president of the Swiss Association for Nursing Science and visiting professor at Bournemouth University (UK). Sabine started her career as psychiatric nurse, working from 1985 till 1999 in direct care, changed then as lecturer and junior researcher to the field of higher education. Sabine has broad competences and a profound expertise in management, leadership, strategic development, and in promoting of young scientific talents. As project manager of national and international research projects her topics are violence, de-escalation and reduction of coercion in healthcare, staff retention as well as staff development in health care and quality development in nursing. She is also a pioneer of collaboration with patients in research and teaching. She is board member of the European Violence in Psychiatric Research Group, Fellow of the European Association of Nursing Researchers, Sigma Teta Tau Member, and member and editor of scientific and professional journals. She is also a member of the Board of Directors of SPITEX Bern, Zentrum Schönberg Bern and Logisplus AG Bern. She is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Swiss Patient Safety Foundation and a member of the scientific advisory board of the Swiss Nursing Science Foundation.
Expérience professionnelle
- 2012 – present Director Division of Nursing Bern University of Applied Sciences, Department of Health Professions, Bern, Switzerland
- 2017– present Visiting Professor at Bournemouth University Faculty of Health & Social Science. United Kingdom
- 2016 – 2019 Chair of the Research Commission Applied Research and Development in Health and Member of the BFH Research Commission Bern University of Applied Sciences, Department of Health Professions, Bern, Switzerland
- 2012 – 2017 Honorary Senior Lecturer (part time 0.2) School of Health, University of Central Lancashire PR1 2HE, United Kingdom
- 2006 – present Division Head of Applied Research and Development in Nursing Bern University of Applied Sciences, Department of Health Professions, Bern, Switzerland
- 2005 – 2006 Head of Research and Development Unit Department of Nursing, Midwifery and Paramedics, Education Centre Insel, University Hospi-tal Bern, Murtenstrasse 10, 3010 Bern, Switzerland
- 2003 – 2004 Project Manager & Senior Researcher Project Manager & Senior Researcher Development Unit, Department of Nursing, Midwifery and Paramedics, Education Centre Insel, University Hospital Bern, Murtenstrasse 10, 3010 Bern, Switzerland
- 1999 – 2003 Lecturer and Junior Researcher Insel Education Centre, School of Nursing Bern, University Hospital Bern. Ausbild-ungszentrum Insel, Murtenstrasse 10, 3010 Bern, Switzerland
- 2006 – 2012 PhD (philosophical doctor) Degree in Health and Nursing Science Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Department of Health Care and Nursing Sci-ence, Maastricht University, 6200 MD Maastricht, The Netherlands
- 2000 – 2003 Degree of Master of Science in Health and Nursing Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Department of Health Care and Nursing Sci-ence, Maastricht University, 6200 MD Maastricht, The Netherlands
- 1996 – 1998 Clinical Nurse Specialist, Diploma in Postgraduate Education: Higher Education in Nursing Level II School of Postgraduate Advanced Nursing Aarau, Switzerland
- 1992 – 1993 Clinical Nurse Specialist, Certificate in Postgraduate Education: Higher Education in Nursing Level I School of Advanced Education in Nursing Practice, Insel Education Centre, University Hospi-tal Bern
- 1985 – 1988 Diploma Registered Psychiatric Nurse School of Mental Health Nursing, Psychiatric University Hospital, Zurich
Autres projets
2020 – presentPrincipal investigator (S. Hahn) ContactMe: Development and establishment of a peer-supported assistance and counselling service to promote mental health. CHF 62’450 Fi-nanced by Bern University of Applied Sciences Call for interprofessional digitalization pro-jects.
2019 – 2021Principal co-investigator (K.U. Schmitt, S. Hahn) Free-me. A project investigating restriction of freedom in the general hospital setting including prevalence of restrictive measures, the perception of health care staff in using these measures and the experiences of patients with these measures. A mixed method study. CHF 80’000 financed by the Academic Practice Partnership of BFH and University Hospital Bern.
2019 – 2020Principal investigator (S. Hahn) Complexity and Grade-mix in the Solothurner Hospital AG. Testing the complexity of nursing care situation scale in the general hospital setting and psychiatric care setting. CHF 20’000 financed by the Solothurner Hospital AG.
2019 – 2020Principal investigator (S. Hahn) Aggression in the Vienna Association of Hospitals. Survey study about the prevalence and associated factors of aggression toward health care staff in the Vienna Association of Hospitals. CHF 35’000 financed by the Vienna Association of Hospitals
2017 – 2021Principal investigator (S. Hahn, H. Baur) Double competence profile. A project to improve practice knowledge of lecturers and research associates of the Department of Health at Bern University of Applied Sciences. Financed by the State Secretary for Education, Research and Innovation with CHF CHF 800’000 and the Bern University of Applied Sciences with CHF 800’000 (in total CHF 1.6 Mio). See P-11 Doppeltes Kompetenzprofil (2017–2020) - swissuniversities.
2017 – 2018
Principal investigator: (M. Sauter, BFH) Co-Investigator S. Hahn,
HANNA – Technical assistant for people with dementia. HANNA - technisches Assistenzsystem für Menschen mit Demenz. Financed by the Commission for Technology and Innovation CHF 200’0002016 – 2018
Principal investigator: (F. Liberatore, ZHAW, E. Betschon, Concret AG) Co-Investigator S.Hahn, Swiss Care excellence certificate – Entwicklung eines mehrstufigen Zertifizierungsverfahren für Qualitätsmanagementsysteme in der Pflege. Financed by the Commission for Technology and Innovation CHF 100’0002014 – 2015
Principal investigator: (S. Hahn) RECAL REcovery oriented CAre for elderly people in Long term care. Financed by the Zentrum Schönberg CHF 31’0002013 – 2016
Principal Co-investigator: (M. Kucera, S. Hahn) AIDE-MOI : Ambulatory non-Invasive DEvice – Medical Observation, Pilot Project financed by the Berne University of Applied Sciences (BFH) CHF 120’000.2012 – 2013
Principal co-investigator: (M. Afzali, S. Hahn) KULTurA; Communicative envi-ronment and quality of life in cross-cultural nursing homes. Project financed by the Berne University of Applied Sciences. CHF 90’000.2012 – 2012
Principal investigator: (S. Hahn) “SRK-PflegehelferInnen” Nursing assistants in Switzerland, their duties, work realities and opportunities for further develop-ment in nursing. Project financed by the Swiss Association of Red Cross Nursing Assistants CHF 50‘0002010 – 2011
Principal co-investigator: (K. Sommerhalder, S. Hahn) Test-BEMW, testing an instrument for the identification of need of support for assisted living of elder-ly people. [Test-BEMW, Testung eines Bedarfsabklärungsinstrument für EL-Leistungen für betreutes Wohnen im Alter]. Project financed by the Pro-Senctute Berne. CHF 50’000.2009 – 2012
Principal investigator: (S. Hahn) Screening Malnutrition in the General Hospi-tal Setting. Promotors and Barriers of knowledge transfer. Project financed by the Berne University of Applied Sciences. CHF 86’0000.2008 – 2012
Principal co-investigator: (R. Fluder, S. Hahn) Ambulatory Care for the Elderly [Ambulante Alterspflege]. Project financed by the Berne University of Applied Sciences, the Canton of Berne, the Canton of Aargau and the Canton of Zurich. CHF 500’000.2008 – 2012
Principal investigator: (S. Hahn) Grade- and Skill mix in Nursing [Grade- und Skillmix in der Pflege und Betreuung]. Project funded by the Spital Netz Bern AG. CHF 170’000.2008 – 2012
Principal investigator: (S. Hahn) Health literacy screening a psychometric testing [Screening Gesundheitskompetenz: Psychometrische Testung]. Project financed by the Berne University of Applied Sciences. CHF 97’0000.2008 – 2010
Principal co-investigator: (S. Hahn, A. Scheuermann,) Patient and Relatives Education [Patienten- und Angehörigenedukation]. Project financed by the Berne University of Applied Sciences. CHF 90’000.
Affiliations internes
BFH Cadre Femmes
Affiliations externes
2018 – present – Fellow of the Phi Mu Chapter of the All-England Nursing Scholarship Society (STTI)
2018 – present – Fellow of the European Academy of Nursing Science (EANS)
2018 – present – Scientific Council of the Nursing Science Foundation, Switzerland
2016 – present – Scientific Committee of the Conference High Noon
2015 – present – Board Member Verein zu Förderung der Wissenschaft in den Gesundheitsberufen VFWG
2010 – present – Organisational Committee of the Fachtagung Ambulante Psychiatrische Pflege
2010 – present – Member of the HORATIO The European Society of Psychiatric Nursing
2007 – present – Scientific Committee of the European Congress on Violence in Clinical Psychiatry
2006 – present – Head of Scientific Committee of the Dreiländerkongress Pflege in der Psychiatrie
2005 – present – Fellow of the Swiss Association for Nursing Science
2000 – present – Fellow of the Swiss Association for Nursing
Connaissances linguistiques et connaissances de pays
Connaissances linguistiques
- Allemand - Locuteur bilingue ou de langue maternelle
- Anglais - Compétence professionelle avancée
- Français - Compétence élémentaire
- Italien - Compétence élémentaire