Biochemically-catalytically produced biofuels
Alkanes and a-olefins are the two most important molecular families derived for use as fuels and chemicals. Social resistance can be minimised through the production of exact replacements for fossil-based fuels and chemicals.
Fiche signalétique
- Département responsable Haute école des sciences agronomiques, forestières et alimentaires
- Institut(s) Agronomie
- Unité(s) de recherche Durabilité et économie circulaire
- Organisation d'encouragement FNS
- Durée 01.12.2014 - 31.12.2019
- Responsable du projet Prof. Dr. Michael Hans-Peter Studer
- Direction du projet Prof. Dr. Michael Hans-Peter Studer
Équipe du projet
Manfred Muhr
Robert Lawrence Shahab
Xiros Charilaos -
EPFL - Mots-clés cellulosic biomass, enzymatic hydrolysis, carboxylic acids, biofilm, lactic acid
The joint project aims to develop the technology to produce renewable alkanes and a-olefins from cellulosic biomass through subsequent biochemical and catalytic conversion processes applicable to production routes of the chemical industry.
The sub-projects encompass the two main conversion processes, as well as the sustainability assessment along the entire value chain. The Studer project focuses on the production of carboxylic acids (lactic acid, butyric acid, mixed volatile fatty acids) from lignocellulosic biomass by adapting a consolidated bioprocess employing a microbial consortium, which has been developed for cellulosic ethanol production.