Dr. Anja Raab

Dr. Anja Raab Leiterin Forschung
Contact hours
Wednesday morning
Thursday morning -
Berner Fachhochschule
School of Health Professions
Forschung Gesundheit
Murtenstrasse 10
3008 Bern
Refereed Journals
Weber M, Schmitt K-U, Frei A, Puhan MA, Raab AM. Needs Assessment in Community-dwelling Older Adults towards Digital Interventions to Promote Physical Activity: A Cross-sectional Study. Submitted 2023, Under Review-Process.
Brandes C, Glässel A, Raab A, Herrmann B, Höppner H. Interprofessionality in the health professions in the transformation of a modern role and profession development: report on the results of a world café at the Drei-Länder-Tagung on May 5, 2022 in Bern. International Journal of Health Professions. 2022;9(1):174-186.
Michel F, Ketter G, Tiedemann S, Marcus O, Hirschfeld S, Landscheid M, Hallwachs MC, Raab A. S2k-Leitlinie Atmung, Atemunterstützung und Beatmung bei akuter und chronischer Querschnittlähmung. AWMF (Reg-Nr:179-011). 2022.
Raab AM, Mueller G, Elsig S, Gandevia SC, Zwahlen M, Hopman MTE, Hilfiker R. Systematic Review of Incidence Studies of Pneumonia in Persons with Spinal Cord Injury. J Clin Med. 2021 Dec 31;11(1):211.
Raab AM, Brinkhof MWG, Berlowitz DJ, Postma K, Gobets D, Hirschfeld S, et al. Respiratory function and respiratory complications in spinal cord injury: protocol for a prospective, multi-center cohort study in high income countries. BMJ Open 2020;10:e038204.
Raab AM, Michel F. Significant demands on healthcare resources during the COVID crisis. Spinal Cord. 2020:1-2.
Raab AM, de Groot S, Berlowitz DJ, Post MWM, Adriaansen J, Hopman M, et al. Development and validation of models to predict respiratory function in persons with long-term spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord. 2019;57(12):1064-75.
Raab AM, Krebs J, Pfister M, Perret C, Hopman M, Mueller G. Respiratory muscle training in individuals with spinal cord injury: effect of training intensity and -volume on improvements in respiratory muscle strength. Spinal Cord. 2019;57(6):482-9.
Raab AM, Krebs J, Perret C, Pfister M, Hopman M, Mueller G. Evaluation of a clinical implementation of a respiratory muscle training group during spinal cord injury rehabilitation. Spinal Cord Series and Cases. 2018:4:40.
Raab AM, Krebs J, Perret C, Michel F, Hopman M, Mueller G. Maximum inspiratory pressure is a discriminator of pneumonia in Individuals with spinal cord injury. Respir Care. 2016;61(12):1636-1643.
Raab A, Sandner (Jacob) E. Ein Betreuungskonzept für Betroffene mit Locked-in-Syndrom. Swiss Medical Forum. 2015:106-10.
April 2023 Prof. Friedrich-Wilhelm Meinecke Gedächtnis-Award for the best abstract «Incidence and risk factors of pneumonia in persons with acute spinal cord injury: results of the RESCOM study”
The Prof. Friedrich-Wilhelm Meinecke Memorial Award will be awarded to the authors of the two best abstracts of each annual meeting of the DMGP.
June 2021 Ludwig-Guttman Award for the thesis “Respiratory complications in spinal cord injury and the potential for reduction”
The Ludwig-Guttmann-Award will be given for excellent scientific work in the field of clinical research on spinal cord injury, its consequences and any other aspect of comprehensive care and rehabilitation of individuals with spinal cord injury.