Business Information Technology

Do you want to establish yourself as a specialist bridging the gap between business and IT? In this extra-occupational continuing education, you will be introduced to the most up-to-date knowledge in the field.

Broaden your key skills with this extra-occupational continuing education. 

  • You will complete a modular course of study at the interface between business and IT.

  • You will gain comprehensive skills in designing an IT landscape suitable for business. 

  • You will deal with the current trends in information technology and economic development. 


  • Degree/Certificate Master of Advanced Studies (MAS)
  • Duration max. 8 years
  • Schedule Depending on chosen CAS
  • Application deadline Depending on chosen CAS
  • ECTS credits 60 ECTS-credits
  • Costs Depending on chosen CAS
  • Teaching language German
  • Location Bern, Schwarztorstrasse 48 Bern, Wankdorffeldstrasse 102
  • School Business School
  • Next session Depending on chosen CAS

Content and Structure


Interdisciplinary and high quality. 

This MAS in Business Informatics will allow you to benefit from a modular continuing education programme. You can combine different CAS in a "modular system" to fit your needs. The Bern University of Applied Sciences in Economics offers this programme in conjunction with the Department of Engineering and Information Technology (TI) at the BFH. 

Training objective

As a business IT specialist, you will recognise the possibilities of digital transformation for your organisation. You will be able to design and implement concept to fit IT and business needs. Thus, you can rely on your highly developed information management knowledge to transformation and run your organisation: 

  • You will acquire a solid knowledge of business informatics. 

  • You will be able to communicate confidently with line management and IT management.

  • You obtain competences and skills required for sustainable design of information and data models. 

  • You are familiar with the central concepts of value creation through business processes and have the skills and competencies required to design processes. 

  • You have strong project management skills. 


As a modern business information technology specialist, you are at the centre of this extra-occupational further training. You complete the individual CAS at the BFH Business School (W) or at the Department of Engineering and Information Technology (TI). You will attend a total of four CAS and write a master’s thesis. 

Free voting group (maximum 1 CAS)

All other CAS from continuing education in Department W and TI.
The Director of Studies may accept additional CAS from other universities.

Master Thesis

The MAS in Business Informatics concludes with a master's thesis. The BFH Business School is responsible for its organisation. Should you have any further questions, feel free to contact us.

In an stimulating learning environment, the focus is on a variety of teaching and working forms. 

  • Lectures, teaching and learning discussions, exchange of experience 

  • Presentations and technical discussions 

  • Group work and Action Learning 

  • Study of best practice examples with reflection, case studies 

  • eCollaboration, learning platform Teams 

  • Learning diary, learning and working groups 

  • Individual development discussions, Development Center

  • Networking and exchange with lecturers and participants 

The examination forms are suitable for adults and connect to your daily work. Traditional written knowledge examinations are usually not used. Students prove their acquired knowledge primarily by means of: 

  • Reports and practical assignments, case studies 

  • Oral presentations or examination interviews 

Title + degree

Master of Advanced Studies (MAS) of the Bern University of Applied Sciences in «Business Information Systems» (60 ECTS credits) 


Our lecturers are proven experts with extensive practical and theoretical knowledge in their subject areas. They have at least a university degree plus many years of experience in higher education. 

Requirements + Admission

Do you work in the private or public sector at the interface between IT and administration? Do you want to deepen your knowledge?
You are a highly qualified specialist and have several years of professional experience. You aspire to work as a specialist in organisational and technical aspects for service providers and recipients in information management.

University degree

You will be admitted to the programme with a degree from a university, university of applied sciences, university of teacher education, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, or an equivalent foreign university and at least two years of professional experience.

Higher vocational training

If you have a qualification from a higher vocational education institution (Diploma Höhere Fachschule HF, Federal Diploma, Federal Certificate of Proficiency) and several years of professional experience, you will also be admitted to the programme. However, you will be required to attend our Introduction to Academic Study before starting the CAS. Completion of this module is a prerequisite for admission to the CAS.


In exceptional circumstances applicants may still  be admitted. The head of the degree programme will make a decision based upon your application and extenuating circumstances. Please contact us. If you are admitted, you will in any case attend the course «Introduction to Academic Writing» (in German) before the first CAS.

Important to know: Specific admission requirements apply to individual CAS.

Applications from abroad 

Please register with the online registration form or contact the responsible head of programme. 

For all students of our CAS programmes we offer a half-day course Effective Learning. Attendance is recommended and is free of charge for CAS students. At this event, you will learn about the practice-oriented learning style used at universities of applied science.

Organisation + Registration

The maximum duration of the degree programme is 8 years.

Please register via the CAS study programmes.

Documents required for registration

You can register online via registration form. For registration we require following documents (in PDF format, max. 1 MB per document): 

  • Diplomas 

  • Curriculum Vitae 

  • Passport-sized photo (in JPG format) 

Please upload these documents even if you have already submitted them for another application. 

Organisational aspects

The registration deadline for the programme is 6 weeks before the start of the respective CAS. Please contact the Head of Studies MAS for information on how to register for the final module Master's thesis. 

The total cost for the MAS in Business Information Systems is made up of the tuition fees for the individual CAS programmes and the cost for the module Master's thesis. The tuition fees for the Master's thesis module is CHF 4,000, reduced by CHF 1,000 for each CAS earned at the BFH Business School.  

The tuition fee for the CAS at the Business School currently amounts to CHF 8,500. All required literature, course materials, and assessments are included in the price of the CAS. 

The tuition fees for the CAS at the Department of Engineering and Computer Science can be found on the CAS website. The semester fees for the individual CAS apply, not the fees for the MAS programme (subject to price adjustments). 

Location + Facilities