Our research and teaching activities focus on four main topics.
Poverty + livelihood security
We research the causes and consequences of poverty in Switzerland against the backdrop of economic changes, the organisation of the welfare state or in the context of crises such as the Covid-19 pandemic. In doing so, we support practitioners and authorities with empirical studies in order to analyse poverty risks and evaluate the effectiveness of measures to combat poverty. Our analyses are based on national population surveys and administrative data, which we evaluate using the latest social science methods and statistical procedures.
Empowerment + participation
We are committed to the inclusion and social participation of people with disabilities and with a migration or refugee background. In particular, we focus on education, working conditions, housing, and the financing of social services. We investigate the effectiveness of case management methods in empowering clients to lead self-determined lives (e.g. needs and potential assessments, case management) and identify the factors that contribute to successful inclusion and participation. We draw on cantonal and international comparative policy analyses, multidimensional evaluations of representative surveys, interviews and participatory methods. We then contextualise this in current socio-political and theoretical discourses.
Social law + social assistance
We are dedicated to the legal anchoring of social assistance and the socio-political developments in this field. In doing so, we consider the interrelationships between people’s life situations, social contexts and political and administrative processes. Our scientific expertise includes the analysis of legal and regulatory norms at cantonal and federal level, as well as the assessment of legal and social policy structures and social integration processes for livelihood security. We involve different stakeholders in our research, in particular people who are directly impacted by poverty and possess invaluable insights into the structures and processes under examination.
Labour market + work integration
We address the significant transformations in the workplace, which are driven by automation, digitalisation, artificial intelligence and demographic shifts. We focus on maintaining and strengthening employability and on professional reintegration. We use a wide variety of methodological approaches such as the analysis of administrative data or qualitative and quantitative assessments. In our transdisciplinary workshops and hackathons, we work with (social) enterprises to develop innovative, tailor-made solutions for tomorrow’s labour market.