Range of services
Our institute follows an interdisciplinary approach, offering in-depth expertise in sociology, social work, economics, political science and law. We focus on how the sub-systems within social security function, how they interrelate and how they are embedded in social developments and contexts.
Research + development
Our core competencies lie in social structure analysis, the analysis of time sequences in social security systems and their interfaces, the impact of socio-political services, measures and interventions, and the social impact of societal changes.
We strive to meet exacting standards in terms of scientific rigour and the development of junior researchers, with foundational research and contract research alike being core components of our project portfolio.
Consulting services
We offer in-depth expertise and methodological knowledge in the following areas:
- Quantitative analyses in various contexts, work with administrative and process data and complex data links
- Impact and evaluation studies
- Support with survey design, implementation and evaluation of surveys
- Qualitative interviews, expert interviews and focus groups
- Legal opinions in the area of social security
- Bespoke collaborations with internal partners at BFH, especially the Business School and the School of Health Professions, and with external partners from universities, private research bureaus and survey institutes
Our services in the field of poverty monitoring
Poverty policy must keep its finger on the pulse of societal developments. A significant improvement to the patchy poverty monitoring in Switzerland could be achieved if cantons used existing databases in a uniform way.
Together with Caritas Switzerland, we have developed a model that can significantly improve poverty monitoring in the country. With our model, it is possible for the first time to create a nationwide poverty monitoring system that takes into account Switzerland’s federal structure.
Further information can be found in our factsheet and on the project page:
Our services in the field of case management
People affected by multiple issues at once have no option but to seek support from several support services at the same time. Coordinating the various services from the social, health, justice and work integration sectors is challenging and requires a goal-oriented and needs-oriented consultation process.
The «case management» action concept offers a standardised approach in such situations. It ensures that the complex support needed by clients with multiple issues can be provided lastingly in an interdisciplinary setting.
Its introduction has an impact on different levels of an organisation, from process control by a case manager to systematic network maintenance and anchoring of the concept in the company and the organisations involved.
From concept to implementation
We provide the knowledge required to put case management into practice. We support your organisation with management courses, further training and coaching
- for the preparation, introduction and further development of your case management concept,
- for the practical implementation of process management,
- for the qualification of your employees.
We will be happy to offer you advice based on your specific needs.
Our services in the field of integration
The effectiveness of integration measures is often solely measured by means of the placement rate in the primary labour market. Unfortunately, the effects on factors such as social integration, health, language and labour market skills or future prospects are ignored. To address this issue, we have developed WiMe-Int©, a comprehensive measurement tool that assesses the effectiveness of integration programmes across multiple dimensions.
Are you achieving your programme goals?
The basic module includes two measurements per programme participant: upon entry (zero measurement) and upon exit (success measurement). The survey can be undertaken on the phone with a BFH employee or completed online at your premises.
You will then receive a detailed report with the following points:
- Target group analysis: a comprehensive description and categorisation of the programme participants based on income indicators.
- Impact analysis: changes between the measurement periods according to the outcome indicators.
- Multivariate impact analysis: determination of the participants’ key indicators and analysis of the most effective influencing factors.
Optionally, the impact measurement can be extended to encompass a sustainability measurement (approx. 6 to 12 months after programme completion), programme-specific concerns or a cost-benefit analysis.
Please read our factsheet for details about WiMe-Int©.
Continuing education
The social security system is facing major challenges due to evolving lifestyles and forms of employment, and the advent of new digital technologies. As a specialist in your field, you need in-depth knowledge about these interactions and the interplay between different social security subsystems. With our work-study continuing education courses, we support you in fulfilling your demanding role with a high level of professionalism.