Forming Culture

The project explores how participation processes in the context of the built environment can be be improved
using Cultural probes in a contributory citizen science approach.


  • Beteiligte Departemente Architektur, Holz und Bau
    Hochschule der Künste Bern
  • Institut(e) Institute of Design Research
    Institut Materialität in Kunst und Kultur
    Institut für Siedlung, Architektur und Konstruktion ISAK
  • Forschungseinheit(en) Konservierungstechnik
  • Strategisches Themenfeld Themenfeld Nachhaltige Entwicklung
  • Förderorganisation SNF
  • Laufzeit (geplant) 01.03.2025 - 28.02.2028
  • Projektleitung Prof. Dr. Nina Mekacher
  • Projektmitarbeitende Prof. Dr. Paola Pierri
    Dr. Stefan Wülfert
    Prof. Dr. Joachim Huber
    Henriette Lutz
  • Partner Service des biens culturels SBC


The project wants to empower people to reconnect to places and to make an active contribution to their transformation towards sustainability. It explores how participation processes in the context of the built environment can be be improved using Cultural probes in a contributory citizen science approach. It addresses a wide set of stakeholders such as architects, urbanists, spatial planners, and local authorities.


The project explores how participation processes in the context of the built environment can be improved using Cultural probes in a citizen science approach. It examines how to integrate expert knowledge into highly participatory, value-driven methods for assessment and extrapolation of values and potentials. Challenging the conventional differentiation between inventoried and non-inventoried constructions, it affirms that heritage conservation should no longer be treated as an exception but as an essential part of the urgently needed process of regeneration, conversion and refurbishment. The project will propose a novel methodology aimed at upholding and attaining a high standard of Baukultur. The common objective is not only research but also direct implementation in practice, standardization and teaching. •The team will explore their methodology in extensive site analyses determining potential for quality adaptation and establishing new tools and processes for participative collaboration in cooperation with the canton Fribourg. •The team will establish tools and processes for assessment and co-decision that serve as basis for the conversion of the Technical Specification SIA 2017 “Conservation value of Constructions” into a new standard together with the Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects (SIA). •The team will introduce the approach into the BA Curriculum “Architecture” of the Bern University of Applied Sciences as an interdisciplinary course (cooperation AHB-HKB).