Dr. Anja Raab

Dr. Anja Raab Leiterin Forschung
Donnerstagvormittag -
Berner Fachhochschule
Forschung Gesundheit
Murtenstrasse 10
3008 Bern
Forschungskoordination: Unterstützung und Beratung der Forschungsleitenden in den Bereichen Akquisition, Vertragsmanagement und WTT-Regelung, Ethik- und KEK-Anträge, Berichterstattung, Controlling, Valorisierung, Marketing und Projektmanagement
Post-Doc Akademie-Praxis-Partnerschaften mit der INSEL Gruppe
Modulverantwortung MSc Physiotherapie "Querschnittlähmung & Hirnverletzung"
MSc Physiotherapie BFH, Modulverantwortung "Querschnittlähmung"
BSc Physiotherapie (HES-SO Wallis, Hochschule für Gesundheit)
Forschungsmanagement & Transdiziplinarität, MSc interprofessionelles Modul, BFH, 2023-
Atemtherapie in der Neurologie, MSc Physiotherapie "Neurologie", BFH, 2021-
Atemtherapie in der Neurologie, BSc Physiotherapie, HES-SO Wallis, 2016-2021
Dysphagie, BSc Physiotherapie, HES-SO Wallis, 2016-
Guillain-Barre-Syndrom, BSc Physiotherapie, HES-SO Wallis, 2016-
Schädel-Hirntrauma, BSc Physiotherapie, HES-SO Wallis, 2016, 2018
Querschnittlähmung, BSc Physiotherapie, HES-SO Wallis, 2018
Qualitätsmanagement in der Forschung, MSc interprofessionelles Modul, BFH 2025-
Respiratory complications in spinal cord injury
Development of Health-Profession (AP-Roles)
Health technology
Life style interventions
- 2023-ongoing Head of Research School of Health Professions, Bern University of Applied Sciences
- 2020-ongoing Head of Research Coordination School of Health Professions Bern University of Applied Sciences
- 2021-ongoing Researcher APP INSEL-Group, Bern University of Applied Sciences
- 2021-ongoing Responsible for MSc Physiotherapy Module "Spinal Cord Injury", Bern University of Applied Sciences
- 2014-2020 PhD-Student, "Respiratory complications in spinal cord injury and the potential for reduction", Clinical Trial Unit, Swiss Paraplegic Centre Nottwil, Switzerland
- 2006-2016 Physiotherapist, Group-Leader, Swiss Paraplegic Centre Nottwil, Switzerland
- 2004-2006 Physiotherapist, Rehabilitation-Clinic "Zürcher Höhenklinik", Wald, Switzerland
- 2002-2003 Physiotherapist, Rehabilitation-Clinic "Jesuitenschlössl", Passau, Germany
- 2021-2024 CAS-Facilitating change processes in healthcare, Bern University for Applied Science
- 2022-2023 CAS-Leadership, Bern University for Applied Science
- 2014-2021 PhD, Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands
- 2010-2013 MSc in Physiotherapy, Bern University for Applied Science, Zurcher University of Applied Science, Switzerland
- 1999-2002 Physiotherapist, School for Physiotherapy, Cham, Germany
Diego Godoy-Suter M, Balz Ronald Winteler BR, Schmitt KU, Beckwée B, Raab AM. The Potential Benefits of Physiotherapy in the Emergency Department: Views of Patients and Healthcare Professionals. IJHP
Mueller G, Berlowitz DJ, Raab AM, Postma K, Gobets D, Huber B, Hund-Georgiadis M, Jordan X, Schubert M, Wildburger R, Brinkhof MWG. Incidence and Risk Factors of Pneumonia in Individuals With Acute Spinal Cord Injury: A Multi-national, Multi-center, Prospective Cohort Study. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2024 May;105(5):884-891.
Weber M, Raab AM, Schmitt KU, Büsching G, Marcin T, Spielmanns M, Puhan MA, Frei A. Efficacy of a digital lifestyle intervention on health-related QUAlity of life in non-small cell LUng CAncer survivors following inpatient rehabilitation: protocol of the QUALUCA Swiss multicentre randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open. 2024 Mar 7;14(3):e081397. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-081397. PMID: 38453202; PMCID: PMC10921523.
Eggmann S., Raab AM. The added value of physiotherapists in preventing pressure injuries in intensive care patients. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, Volume 80, 2024.
Weber M, Schmitt KU, Frei A, Puhan MA, Raab AM. Needs assessment in community-dwelling older adults toward digital interventions to promote physical activity: Cross-sectional survey study. Digit Health. 2023 Oct 3;9:20552076231203785. doi: 10.1177/20552076231203785. PMID: 37799500; PMCID: PMC10548814.
Brandes C, Glässel A, Raab A, Herrmann B, Höppner H. Interprofessionality in the health professions in the transformation of a modern role and profession development: report on the results of a world café at the Drei-Länder-Tagung on May 5, 2022 in Bern. International Journal of Health Professions. 2022;9(1):174-186.
Michel F, Ketter G, Tiedemann S, Marcus O, Hirschfeld S, Landscheid M, Hallwachs MC, Raab A. S2k-Leitlinie Atmung, Atemunterstützung und Beatmung bei akuter und chronischer Querschnittlähmung. AWMF (Reg-Nr:179-011). 2022.
Raab AM, Mueller G, Elsig S, Gandevia SC, Zwahlen M, Hopman MTE, Hilfiker R. Systematic Review of Incidence Studies of Pneumonia in Persons with Spinal Cord Injury. J Clin Med. 2021 Dec 31;11(1):211.
Raab AM, Brinkhof MWG, Berlowitz DJ, et al. Respiratory function and respiratory complications in spinal cord injury: protocol for a prospective, multicentre cohort study in high-income countries. BMJ Open 2020;10:e038204.
Raab AM, Michel F. Significant demands on healthcare resources during the COVID crisis. Spinal Cord. 2020:1-2.
Raab AM, de Groot S, Berlowitz DJ, Post MWM, Adriaansen J, Hopman M, et al. Development and validation of models to predict respiratory function in persons with long-term spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord. 2019;57(12):1064-75.
Raab AM, Krebs J, Pfister M, Perret C, Hopman M, Mueller G. Respiratory muscle training in individuals with spinal cord injury: effect of training intensity and -volume on improvements in respiratory muscle strength. Spinal Cord. 2019;57(6):482-9.
Raab AM, Krebs J, Perret C, Pfister M, Hopman M, Mueller G. Evaluation of a clinical implementation of a respiratory muscle training group during spinal cord injury rehabilitation. Spinal Cord Series and Cases. 2018:4:40
Raab AM, Krebs J, Perret C, Michel F, Hopman M, Mueller G. Maximum inspiratory pressure is a discriminator of pneumonia in Individuals with spinal cord injury. Respir Care. 2016;61(12):1636-1643.
Raab A, Sandner (Jacob) E. Ein Betreuungskonzept für Betroffene mit Locked-in-Syndrom. Swiss Medical Forum. 2015:106-10.
Mueller G, Bersch-Porada I, Koch-Borner S, Raab AM, Jonker M, Baumberger M. Laboratory evaluation of four different devices for secretion mobilization: Acapella choice, green and blue versus water bottle. Respir Care. 2014;59(5):673-7.
Raab AM, Harvey LA, Baumberger M, Frotzler A. The effect of arm position and bed adjustment on comfort and pressure under the shoulders in people with tetraplegia: a randomized cross-over study. Spinal Cord. 2014;52(2):152-6.
„Physiotherapie und Ergotherapie bei neurologisch bedingten Behinderungen - Disability Management für Kinder und Erwachsene“
Herausgeber Prof. Dr. Walter Strobl; Claudia Abel, Springer-Verlag GmbH, DE Berlin
Verfassen des Unterkapitels: Alltagsrelevante Transfers bei Personen mit Querschnittlähmung
Mitgliedschaften extern
Deutschsprachige Medizinische Gesellschaft für Paraplegie (DMGP)
The International Network of Spinal Cord Injury Physiotherapists (www.scipt.org)
Faculty Member Swiss School of Public Health (SSPH+)
Governing Board Swiss Learning Health System (SLHS)
Co-Leitung Kommission Forschung des Arbeitskreises Beatmung der Deutschsprachig Medizinischen Gesellschaft für Paraplegiologie (DMGP)
Mitglied der Forschungskommission der Deutschsprachig Medizinischen Gesellschaft für Paraplegiologie (DMGP)
Betreute Arbeiten
Aline Christen (ETH) Framework for Systematic Evaluation and Continuous Development of a Wheelchair-Mounted Robotic Arm for People with Tetraplegia in Activities of Daily Living 2025
Samira Oulouda (BFH) Multidomain digital lifestyle intervention for people with spinal cord injury: need‐assessment 2025-2026
Barbara Wortmann (BFH) Innovative Robotik ‐ eine gesundheitsökonomische Evaluation 2025-2026
Iris de Boer (BFH) Entwicklung eines Roboterarms mit und für Menschen mit einer Tetraplegie - Evaluation der häuslichen Testphase 2025-2026
Flora Stojkaj (BFH) Kompetenzen und Skills eines "Respiratory Therapist" in der neurologischen Reha 2025-2026
Carmen Brun (BFH) Respiratory Therapist als Advanced Practice Rolle. Wie können Advanced Practitioners die Interprofessionelle Zusammenarbeit fördern? 2025-2026
Florian Zimmerl (Uni Graz) Wie wird der Begriff „Spontanatmung“ von querschnittspezialisiertem Fachpersonal interpretiert? 2024-2025
Corinne Bischofberger (ETH Commanding an Assistive Robotic Arm in Activities of Daily Living 2024
Hendrik van der Boon Respiratory training, physical activity and physical therapy in patients with spinal cord injury 2023-2024
Madlaina Büchi (BFH) Can Robotic Feedback and Adaptation Possibilities match Therapeutic Needs? An Observational Study 2023-2024
Vera Fosbrooke (BFH) Relevant stakeholders and contextual factors in the implementation process of an assistive robot for persons with tetraplegia in Switzerland 2023-2024
Marianne Diego-Godoy Suter (BFH) Evaluation eines möglichen physiotherapeutischen Advanced Practice (AP) Angebots in der Notaufnahme eines regionalen Akutspitals 2022-2023
Rahel Wirz (BFH) Physiotherapy in the emergency department: screening for red flags – a retrospective data analysis 2022-2023
Clasemann Frank (BFH) Beginning of a new era, Physiotherapy 2.0 Chance for Establishment 2013
Co-Supervisor PhD: Manuel Weber (BFH + Uni Zürich) Digital Lifestyle Medicine: Its Potential in Delivering Preventive Health Care for Older Adults and Aftercare for Lung Cancer Survivors 2021-2024
Co-Supervision PhD: Clémentine Tombez (BFH + Uni Bern) Development of a theory and evidence-based intervention to improve the health-related quality of life of patients with MCAS 2025-2028