Mental Health and Psychiatric Care innovation field

We conduct research into person-centred, preference-based psychiatric care. We pay particular attention to the inclusion of people with experiences of a mental health crisis.

Psychiatric care in Switzerland is comprehensively organised, but it is also fraught with problems. These range from an inappropriate number of inpatient beds, misguided financing models and a lack of skilled workers to far too many coercive measures, often non-evidence-based services and inadequate inclusion of people who have experienced a mental health crisis themselves. With our research projects, we investigate the conditions under which better care can be achieved to address these issues.

Research topics

  • Projects in psychiatric care and psychosocial support
  • Psychiatric rehabilitation (basic living skills, work, leisure)
  • Human rights in psychiatric healthcare
  • Development of new research methods for psychosocial settings

The majority of people with mental illness want to be treated or supported in a community-based and outpatient setting. However, the development towards preference-based and scientifically evidence-orientated outpatient care is only progressing slowly.  For this reason, the Lindenhof Foundation is funding the tenure-track position "Psychiatric care in the outpatient setting". The aim is to strengthen outpatient psychiatric care and interprofessional networking in order to address the gaps in care in this important area in a well-founded manner. 

Our research creates a scientific basis for improving community-based, outpatient or integrated psychiatric care and provision. We analyse the roles and activities of psychiatric nurses, the characteristics and care needs of people with mental illness and their relatives, as well as the effects of innovative outpatient care models.  



  • Zentrum Psychiatrische Rehabilitation der UPD Bern  
  • Stiftung Lindenhof Bern 

  • Akademische Fachgesellschaft Psychiatrische Pflege im Verband für PflegewissenschaftenfP 

  • Psychiatriezentrum Münsingen AG 
  • Psychiatrie Graubünden
  • Netzwerk Gesundheit Schweiz 
  • Netzwerk Case Management Schweiz 
  • Interessengemeinschaft Sozialpsychiatrie Bern 
  • European Violence in Psychiatry Research Group 
  • Zentralinstitut für Seelische Gesundheit Mannheim, Abteilung Public Mental Health, Arbeitsgruppe Psychiatrische Pflegeforschung 
  • Bournemouth University, Departement of Nursing Science 
  • University of California, San Diego Health Psychiatry 
  • Ontario Shores Center for Mental Health Sciences, Nursing 
  • McMaster University, School of Nursing 
  • Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Adult psychiatry and mental health work 
