«Das Schloss Dürande» by Othmar Schoeck
This research project analyses and contextualises Othmar Schoeck's biggest opera, «Das Schloss Dürande» («Dürande Castle»), with regard to its Nazi-influenced libretto, the history of its gestation and its reception in Berlin and Zurich.
- Schools involved Bern Academy of the Arts
- Institute(s) Institute Interpretation
- Research unit(s) Intersection of Contemporary Music
- Funding organisation SNSF
- Duration 01.09.2013 - 31.08.2016
- Head of project Dr. Thomas Gartmann
Project staff
Dr. Andreas Leopold Dick
Christian Mächler
Francesco Micieli
Simeon Thompson
Mario Venzago -
Burte-Archiv, Maulburg/D
Fonds Othmar Schoeck, Zürich
Berner Symphonieorchester
Bühnen Bern
Universität Bern
Universal Edition, Wien
Universität Strasbourg
Zentralbibliothek Zürich
Bildungs- und Kulturdirektion BKD
Kultur Stadt Bern
Pro Scientia et Arte
Reworking its text and music is intended to make the opera accessible to the stage once again. This project clarifies strategies, procedures and models of political and literary reworkings of the libretti of operas and oratorios, with the main focus on Schoeck's librettist Hermann Burte. The goal is to reclaim the text of his «Schloss Dürande» from its ideological content and at the same time to investigate Burte's own «Aryanisation» of the libretto of an oratorio by Handel (Judas Maccabeus). An investigation from a theatre studies perspective will cast light on institutional conditions and their background.