Fire prevention on PV systems with arc fault detectors
In this project with Gebäudeversicherung Bern, the cantonal building insurance company, the effectiveness of arc fault detectors in PV systems is being researched and their role with respect to fire prevention made known to the public.
- Schools involved School of Engineering and Computer Science
- Institute(s) Institute for Energy and Mobility Research IEM
- Research unit(s) IEM / Photovoltaic systems
- Funding organisation Others
- Duration 01.10.2022 - 30.09.2023
- Head of project David Joss
Project staff
Luciano Borgna
Ramona Bianca Stoll
Peter Wüthrich - Partner Gebäudeversicherung Bern GVB
- Keywords Fire prevention; arc detection; AFCI; LBD ; fire protection; personal protection
PV systems stand to become a linchpin of the electricity supply in Switzerland in the future. At the heart of a PV system are the inverters, which are increasingly being equipped with arc fault detectors. Arc fault detectors can detect hazardous spark gaps on the module side and shut down the system to prevent damage. That arc fault detectors exist, how they work and where their protective function reaches its limits, will be communicated to the public through this prevention project in conjunction with GVB Gebäudeversicherung Bern.