Prof. Dr. Undine Lehmann

Prof. Dr. Undine Lehmann Leiterin MSc Ernährung und Diätetik
Lundi matin
Jeudi -
Berner Fachhochschule
Fachbereich Ernährung und Diätetik
Finkenhubelweg 11
3012 Bern
Publikationen in peer-reviewten Zeitschriften/ Buchartikel
Lehmann, U., Uhlmann, K., Meichtry, A., Spielmanns, M., Spielmanns, S., Khatami, R., Marty, L., Rüegsegger, S., Kressig, R. W., Kiss, C. M., Maguire, C., Zurfluh, A., & Marcin, T. (2025). Malnutrition and sarcopenia in inpatient rehabilitation: Prevalence and associations with changes in bodyweight, muscle strength, and functional independence. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 57, jrm42215.
Lehmann, U., Flückiger L., Studerus D., Rieckh I., Chatelan, A. (2024): Mehrwert von Advanced Practice Dietitians im interprofessionellen klinischen Behandlungsteam: eine Schweizer Perspektive. Aktuel Ernährungsmed 2024; 49: 392–396. DOI 10.1055/a-2356-8664.
Uhlmann, Katja; Schaller, Fabienne; Lehmann, Undine (2022). Current practice of assessing and monitoring muscle strength, muscle mass and muscle function during nutritional care by dietitians in Switzerland – An Online survey. Nutrients, 14(9), S. 1741. MDPI 10.3390/nu14091741
Tetens, I., Birt, C. A., Boeing, H., Bodenbach, S., Bugel, S., De Henauw, S., Grønlund, T., Julia, C., Bonde Konde, A., Kromhout, D., Lehmann, U., Dos Santos, Q., Sokolovic, M., Storcksdieck genannt Bonsmann, S., van Rossum, C.: Food-Based Dietary Guidelines – development of a conceptual framework for future Food-Based Dietary Guidelines in Europe: Report of a Federation of European Nutrition Societies Task-Force Workshop in Copenhagen, 12–13 March 2018. British Journal of Nutrition, 1-7, 2020. doi:10.1017/S0007114520002469
Lehmann U., Mak T.N., Bolten C.J.: Reformulation as a Strategy for Developing Healthier Food Products: Challenges and Recent Developments – An Industry Perspective. In: Raikos V., Ranawana V. (eds) Reformulation as a Strategy for Developing Healthier Food Products, 2019. Pages 89 – 110. Springer, Cham.
Monika Potter, Antonis Vlassopoulos, Undine Lehmann (2018): Snacking
Recommendations Worldwide: A Scoping Review. Advances in Nutrition, Volume 9, Issue 2,
1 March 2018, Pages 86–98, Lehmann, Véronique Rheiner Charles, Antonis Vlassopoulos, Gabriel Masset and
Jörg Spieldenner : Nutrient profiling for product reformulation: public health impact and
benefits for the consumer. Conference on ‘New technology in nutrition research and practice’
Nutrient profiling as a tool to respond to public health needs. Nutrition Society Summer
Meeting 2016 held at University College, Dublin, on 11–14 July 2016. Proceedings of the
Nutrition Society 2017, Page 1 of 10 doi:10.1017/S0029665117000301.Emilie Combet, Antonis Vlassopoulos, Famke Mölenberg, Mathilde Gressier,
Lisa Privet, Craig Wratten, Sahar Sharif, Florent Vieux, Undine Lehmann and
Gabriel Masset: Testing the Capacity of a Multi-Nutrient Profiling System to Guide Food and
Beverage Reformulation: Results from Five National Food Composition Databases. Nutrients
2017, 9, 406; doi:10.3390/nu9040406Masset, G., Mathias, K. C., Vlassopoulos A., Mölenberg, F., Lehmann, U., Gibney, M.,
Drewnowski, A.: Modeled dietary impact of pizza reformulations in US children and
adolescents. Published in PLOS ONE, 05.10.2016, F., Heindel, Ch., Pineau, N., Srichuwong, S., Lehmann, U: Effect of maize type and
extrusion-cooking conditions on starch digestibility profiles. Int J Food Sci and Technology
2016. Volume 51, Issue 6, pages 1319–1326. DOI: 10.1111.ijfst.13098.Vlassopoulos, A., Masset, G., Rheiner Charles, V., Hoover, C., Chesneau-Guillemont, C.,
Leroy, F., Lehmann, U., Spieldenner, J., Tee, E.S., Gibney, M., Drewnowski,A.: A nutrient
profiling system for the (re)formulation of a global food and beverage portfolio. Eur J Nutr
2016, p 1-18. Published online 15 February 2016. DOI 10.1007/s00394-016-1161-9Schaffer-Lequart, C., Lehmann, U., Ross, A.B., Roger, O., Eldridge, A., Ananta, E., Bietry,
M.F., King, L.R., Moroni, A., Srichuwong, S., Wavreille, A:S:, Redgwell, R., Labat, E., Robin,
F.: Whole Grain in Manufactured Foods: Current use, Challenges and the way Forward, Crit.
Rev. Food Sci Nutr 2015, Mar 6 (Epub ahead of print); DOI: 10.1080/10408398.2013.781012Donato-Capel, L., Garcia-Rodenas, C.L., Pouteau, E., Lehmann, U., Srichuwong,S., Erkner,
A., Kolodziejczyk, E., Hughes, E., Wooster, T.J., Sagalowicz, L.: Chapter 14: Technological
means to modulate food digestion and physiological response in: Food structures, digestion
and health, Edited by M. Boland, M. Golding and H. Singh. Academic Press 2014, Elsevier
Inc.Robin, F., Mérinat, S., Simon, A., Lehmann, U.: Influence of chain length on alpha-1,4-Dglucan
recrystallisation and slowly digestible starch formation, Starch/Stärke 2008; 60, 551-
558.Lehmann, U. & Robin, F. Slowly digestible starch - its structure and health implications: a
review. Trends in Food Science & Technology. 2007; 18, 346-355.
DOI:10.1016/j.tifs.2007.02.009Lehmann, U., Rössler, Ch., Schmiedl, D., Jacobasch, G.: Production and physicochemical
characterization of resistant starch type III derived from pea starch, Nahrung/Food 2003; 47
(1), 60-63.Stohwasser, R., Holzhütter, H.-G., Lehmann, U., Henklein, P., Kloetzel, P.-M.: Hepatitis B
virus HBx peptide 116-138 and proteasome activator PA28 compete for binding to the
proteasome α4/MC6 subunit, Biol. Chem. 2003; 384, 39-49. DOI: 10.1515/BC.2003.005Lehmann, U., Jacobasch, G., Schmiedl, D.: Characterization of Resistant Starch Type III
from Banana (Musa acuminata), J. Agric. Food Chem. 2002; 50 (18), 5236-40. DOI:
10.1021/jf0203390Schwiertz, A., Lehmann, U., Jacobasch, G., Blaut, M.: Influence of resistant starch on the
SCFA production and cell counts of butyrate-producing Eubacterium spp. in the human
intestine, J. Appl. Microbiol. 2002; 93 (1), 157-162. DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-2672.2002.01679.xLehmann, U., Flamme, W., Schmiedl, D., Jacobasch, G.: Structure and effects of resistant
starch based on debranched waxy wheat and barley starches, in: Vaculová, K.,
Ehrenbergerová, J. (Eds.): Cereals for human health and preventive nutrition, Mendel
University of Agriculture and Forestry Brno, 1998, p. 205-207.
Tetens, I., Birt, C. A., Boeing, H., Bodenbach, S., Bugel, S., De Henauw, S., Grønlund, T., Julia, C., Bonde Konde, A., Kromhout, D., Lehmann, U., Dos Santos, Q., Sokolovic, M., Storcksdieck genannt Bonsmann, S., van Rossum, C.: Food-Based Dietary Guidelines – development of a conceptual framework for future Food-Based Dietary Guidelines in Europe: Report of a Federation of European Nutrition Societies Task-Force Workshop in Copenhagen, 12–13 March 2018. British Journal of Nutrition, 1-7, 2020. doi:10.1017/S0007114520002469
Undine LEHMANN, Katja UHLMANN, André MEICHTRY, Marc SPIELMANNS, Sabine SPIELMANNS, Ramin KHATAMI, Laura MARTI, Susanne RÜEGSEGGER-WITTWER, Reto W. KRESSIG, Caroline M. KISS, Clare MAGUIRE, Andrea ZURFLUH, Thimo MARCIN: Malnutrition and sarcopenia are highly prevalent in Swiss rehabilitation settings. SGAIM 29.-31. May 2024, Basel, Switzerland
U. Lehmann, K. Uhlmann, M. Spielmanns, S. Spielmanns, R. Khatami, L. Marti, R.W. Kressig, C.M. Kiss, C. Maguire, T. Marcin: Prevalence of malnutrition and sarcopenia in patients undergoing geriatric, pulmonary and cardiovascular rehabilitation in Switzerland - a multicenter study. ESPEN Congress 2023, Lyon, France
Undine Lehmann: Healthy by design: Nutrient profiles for foods and beverages (re)formulation: Principles, application and health impact. Dubai International Nutrition conference. October 25th, 2018, Dubai, UAE.
Undine Lehmann: Healthy by design: Nutrient profiles for nutritious and tasty foods and beverages. Principles, application and health impact. Gulf Standardization Organization technical training, organized in cooperation with ESMA titled “International & GCC Standards and Technical Regulations related to healthy food". July 30th, 2018, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Undine Lehmann: Food Based Dietary Guidelines – an industrial viewpoint. FENS Workshop March 12th, 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark
Undine Lehmann, Annette Neubert, Andrea Schwalber, Antonis Vlassopoulos, Gabriel Masset, Abstract submitted to Nutrition 2017 received a travel grant of 1000 CHF for being rated at Top 5 of submitted abstracts. Presentation delivered on June 30th 2017:” Public health impact of product reformulation driven by nutrient profiling”, Zürich, Switzerland
Undine Lehmann: Nutrient profiling for innovation and renovation – a view from the food industry. Presentation at Nutrient Profiling Stakeholder convening in Brussels, organized by the Nestlé European Affairs Office in Brussels on June 8th 2017.
Undine Lehmann and Bianca Maria Vecchio: The Nestlé Nutritional Profiling System: Scientific principles & health impact. Presentation at 2nd Food4Talk conference, Budapest, Hungary, 5th October 2017.
Undine Lehmann: Nutrient profiling for product reformulation – the benefit for the consumer. Symposium Nutrient Profiling as a tool to respond to public health needs. British Nutrition Society Dublin, Summer meeting (New technologies in nutrition research and practice), July 11th 2016.
Scheidegger-Balmer, F., Zurfluh A. & Lehmann U. (2024): Ernährungsinterventionen erhöhen Lebensqualität. NOVAcura (2024), 55 (7) 21-23.
Falquet, M.N., Brunner, T., Lehmann, U. (2024): Synthese und Perspektiven zum Nutri-Score. Schweizer Zeitschrift für Ernährungsmedizin 2/2024 S.7- 8.
Lehmann, U., Scheidegger, F., Zurfluh, A. (2023): Warum Ernährungsmanagement in Alters- und Pflegeheimen mehr Aufmerksamkeit braucht. frequenz: Das Magazin des Departements Gesundheit 1/ 2023 Berner Fachhochschule BFH, Departement Gesundheit