Prof. Dr. Irene König


Prof. Dr. Irene König Co-Leiterin BSc Physiotherapie

  • Adresse Berner Fachhochschule
    Fachbereich Physiotherapie
    Murtenstrasse 10
    3008 Bern


  • Head of Higher Education; Bern University of Applied Sciences, School of Health Professions

  • Head of Bachelor of Science Physiotherapy, Bern University of Applied Sciences, School of Health Professions

  • Head of Higher Education Research in Health Professions Group, Bern University of Applied Sciences, School of Health Professions


  • BSc Physiotherapy

  • MSc Physiotherapy

  • Pelvic floor rehabilitation

  • Electromyography

  • MSc Transfer Module

  • Agile Leadership

  • Supervision of Graduate Thesis (MSc)

  • Co-supervision of Qualification Thesis (PhD)


  • Higher Education Research in Health Professions

  • Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation

  • Curriculum Development

  • Entrustable Professional Activities (EPA)

  • Pelvic floor rehabilitation

  • Electromyography

  • Wavelet Analyses


  • 2024-today Head of Higher Education School of Health Professions, Physiotherapy, Bern University of Applied Sciences
  • 2023-today Head of Higher Education Research in Health Professions Group Applied Research & Development, School of Health Professions, Physiotherapy, Bern University of Applied Sciences
  • 2020-today Head of Bachelor of Science Physiotherapy School of Health Professions, Physiotherapy, Bern University of Applied Sciences
  • 2020-2023 Head of Pelvic Floor and Continence Research Group Applied Research & Development, School of Health Professions, Physiotherapy, Bern University of Applied Sciences
  • 2019-2020 Deputy Head of Pelvic Floor and Continence Research Group Applied Research & Development, School of Health Professions, Physiotherapy, Bern University of Applied Sciences
  • 2015-2020 Research associate Applied Research & Development, School of Health Professions, Physiotherapy, Bern University of Applied Sciences
  • 2008-2020 Owner, physical therapist, team leader aveo Therapiezentrum, Rotkreuz; general physiotherapy, pelvic floor rehabilitation
  • 2006-2012 Lecturer Professional School for medical massage Dickerhof AG, Emmenbrücke
  • 1998-2008 Physical therapist, employed Rehabilitation Center for cardiovascular diseases, sports physiotherapy, general Physiotherapy
  • 2016-2020 PhD in Rehabilitation Sciences & Physiotherapy Vrije Universiteit Brussel
  • 2017-2019 Master of Arts in Adult Education Technical University Kaiserslautern
  • 2012-2015 Master of Science in Physiotherapy Bern University of Applied Sciences and Zurich University of Applied Sciences
  • 1994 – 1998 Bachelor in Physiotherapy Academy Physiotherapy Thim van der Laan, Landquart
  • 2023 Certificate Course Curriculum and Instruction
  • 2023 Certificate Course Entrustable Professional Activities
  • 2022 CAS Innovations- & Changemanager
  • 2016 CAS Neuro-Rehabilitation, Bobath
  • 1999-today: Annual training (the most important fields):
    o Profession-specific
    o Education
    o Research
    o Health Economics
    o Leadership
    o Team development
    o Faculty development
    o Program planning & marketing


  • Luginbuehl, H., Nabecker, S., Greif, R., Zuber, S., Koenig, I., Rogan, S.
    Transforming traditional physiotherapy hands-on skills teaching into video-based learning. BMC Med Educ. 2023;23(1):624.

  • Luginbuehl, H., R., Radlinger, L., Lehmann, C., Kuhn, A., Koenig, I.
    Interventions effects’ maintenance: six-month RCT follow-up of standard or reflexive pelvic floor muscle training. AJOG Glob Rep. 2022;2(4):100089.

  • Luginbuehl, H., Lehmann, C., Koenig, I., Buergin, R., Radlinger, L.
    Involuntary reflexive pelvic floor muscle training in addition to standard training versus standard training alone for women with stress urinary incontinence: a randomized controlled trial. Int Urogynecol J. 2022;33(3):5531-40.

  • Blasimann, A., Koenig, I., Baert, I., Baur, H., Vissers, D.
    Which assessments are used to analyze neuromuscular control by electromyography after an anterior cruciate ligament injury to determine readiness to sports? A systematic review. BMC Sports Sci Med Rehabilitation. 2021;13(1):142.

  • Koenig, I., Eichelberger, P., Luginbuehl, H., Kuhn, A., Taeymans, J., Lehmann, C., Radlinger, L.
    Activation patterns of pelvic floor muscles in women with incontinence while running: A randomized controlled trial. IUJ. 2021;32(2):335-43.

  • Koenig, I., Martin, R., Radlinger, L., Leitner, M., Eichelberger, P., von Steiger, A.
    Ergonomics of tuba playing: Survey on complaints and coping strategies using focus groups. Music & Medicine. 2020;12(4):243-8.

  • Leitner, M., Eichelberger, P., Koenig, I., Radlinger, L., von Steiger, A., Martin, R.
    Tuba playing and health. ITEA Journal. 2020;47(4):18-27.

  • Koenig, I., Moetteli, C., Luginbuehl, H., Radlinger, L., Kuhn, A., Taeymans, J.
    Health status, comorbidities and cost-of-illness in females with stress urinary incontinence living in the Canton of Bern. ZEFQ. 2020;150-152:73-9.

  • Koenig, I., Eichelberger, P., Leitner, M., Moser, H., Kuhn, A., Taeymans, J., Radlinger, L.
    Pelvic floor activity patterns in women with and without stress urinary incontinence while running. Ann Phys Rehabilitations Med. 2020;63(6):495-9.

  • Lutz, N., Clarys, P., Koenig,I., Deliens, A., Taeymans, J., Verhaeghe, N.
    Interventions to improve physical activity and decrease sedentenary behavior at the workplace – a systematic review of economic evaluations. Scand J Work Environ Health. 2020;46(2):127-42.

  • Blasimann, A., Koenig, I., Baert, I., Baur, H., Vissers, D.
    Which assessments are used to analyze active knee stability after an anterior cruciate ligament injury to determine readiness to return to sports? medRxiv preprint. doi:10.1101/2020.03.05.20031617.

  • Gass, S., Kuhn, M., Koenig, I., Radlinger, L., Koehler B.
    Development of an ICF-based questionnaire for urinary and / or faecal incontinence (ICF-IAF): The female patients’ perspective using focus groups. Neurourol Urodyn. 2019;38(6):1657-2.

  • Kuhn, M., Gass, S., Koenig, I., Radlinger, L., Koehler B.
    Development of an ICF-based questionnaire for urinary and / or faecal incontinence (ICF-IAF): The male patients’ perspective using focus groups. Neurourol Urodyn. 2019;38(6):1663-8.

  • König, I., Kuhn, M., Radlinger, L., Koehler, B.
    Development and validation of the ICF-Incontinence Assessment Form (ICF-IAF) to identify problems and resources for planning and evaluation of interventions using the Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health of the World Health Organization: Preliminary study. Neurourol Urodyn. 2019;38(4):1053-66.

  • Koenig, I., Eichelberger, P., Blasimann, A., Hauswirth, A., Baeyens, J.P., Radlinger, L.
    Wavelet analysis of electromyographic signals derived from lower extremity muscles while walking or running: A systematic review. PLOS ONE. 13(11):e0206549.

  • Koenig, I., Flury, N., Radlinger, L.
    Consideration croisées dans les etudes évaluant les muscles pelvien au moyen d’un EMG: examen de portée. Kinésithérapie, la Revue. 17(192):31-2.

  • Koenig, I., Blasimann, A., Hauswirth, A., Eichelberger, P., Baeyens JP., Radlinger, L.
    Analyse des ondelettes de lEMG provenant des extrémités inférieures lors de la marche ou de la course: revue systématique. Kinésithérapie, la Revue. 17(192):22.

  • Luginbuehl, H., Lehmann, C., Baeyens, JP., Kuhn, A., Koenig, I., Radlinger, L.
    Entraînement réflexe volontaire et involontaire des muscles du plancher pelvien pour lutter contre l’incontinence urinaire liée à l’effort. Kinésithérapie, la Revue. 17(192):29.

  • Koenig, I., Luginbuehl, H., Radlinger, L.
    Intra-session reliability of pelvic floor muscle electromyography tested on healthy women and women with stress urinary incontinence or weak pelvic floor muscle. Ann Phys Rehabil Med. 2017;60(6):382-6.

  • Flury, N., Koenig, I., (both first authors), Radlinger, L.
    Crosstalk considerations in studies evaluating pelvic floor muscles using electromyography in women: A scoping review. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2017;295(4):799-809.

  • Koehler, B., Koenig, I., Isler, M., Passweg, D., Radlinger, L.
    Development of the ICF Incontinence Assessment Form to identify problems and resources in male and female patients with urinary and / or faecal incontinence (ICF-IAF): Subproject Delphi technique survey among 262 physiotherapists in 5 German speaking countries. Neurourol Urodyn. 2015; 3:314-315.

  • Koenig, I. (2016). Inkontinenz kann gut behandelt werden. Physiomagazin 2/16.

  • Koenig, I. Aktivierungsmuster der Beckenbodenmuskulatur. Keynote presentation AG-GGUP Symposium 2022, Frankfurt

  • Koenig, I., Moser, H., Radlinger, L. Aktivität und Kontraktionsformen der Beckenbodenmuskulatur im Alltag und Training. Workshop DKG congress 2019, Essen.

  • Koenig, I. Inkontinenz kann gut behandelt werden. Keynote presentation Publicare 2019, Zürich.

  • Koenig, I., Moser, H., Radlinger, L. Willkürliche und unwillkürliche Kontraktionen der Beckenbodenmuskulatur: Neue Überlegungen zur Trainingstherapie bei Belastungsinkontinenz. Workshop DKG congress 2018, Stuttgart.

  • Koenig, I. Cost of illness in females with stress urinary incontinence in the canton of Bern, Switzerland. Workshop economic evaluation Antwerp University 2018, Antwerp.

  • Koenig, I. Eductional training for medical doctors: Stress Urinary Incontinence. University Hospital Insel, Urogynecology 2015, Bern.

  • Luginbuehl, H., Radlinger, L., Lehmann, C., Kuhn, A., Koenig, I.
    Intervention effects' maintenance: six-months RCT follow-up of standard or reflexive pelvic floor muscle training. International Urogynecological Association (IUGA) congress 2021, virtual instead of Singapore.

  • Blasimann, A., Koenig,I., Baert, I., Baur, H., Vissers, D.
    Assessments for neuromuscular control after an anterior cruciate ligament injury to decide upon return to sports. IOC world conference prevention of injury & illness in sport 2021, Monaco.

  • Luginbuehl, H., Koenig, I., Rogan, S., Blasimann, A., Zuber St.
    Transforming traditional physiotherapy hands-on skills teaching to technology enhanced learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) 2021, the virtual conference.

  • Koenig, I., Moetteli, C., Luginbuehl, H., Radlinger, L., Kuhn, A., Taeymans, J.
    Health status, comorbidities and cost-of-illness in females with stress urinary incontinence living in the Canton of Bern. Congress Reha Schweiz and Physioswiss 2021, online instead of Nottwil.

  • Luginbuehl, H., Lehmann, C., Koenig, I., Kuhn, A., Buergin, R., Radlinger, L.
    Involuntary versus voluntary pelvic floor muscle training for stress urinary incontinence treatment. Congress Reha Schweiz and Physioswiss 2021, online instead of Nottwil.

  • Koenig, I., Luginbuehl, H., Rogan, S.
    Development and validation of an electronic mentoring questionnaire for health professions’ students in Switzerland. Congress of the international association for medical education (AMEE), virtual instead of Glasgow.

  • Koenig,I., Eichelberger, P., Luginbuehl, H., Kuhn, A., Lehmann, C., Taeymans, J., Radlinger, L.
    Activation patterns of pelvic floor muscles in women with incontinence while running: A randomized controlled trial. 49th Annual Meeting of the International-Continence-Society (ICS) 2019, Gothenburg.

  • Luginbuehl, H., Lehmann, C., Koenig,I., Kuhn, A., Buergin, R., Radlinger, L.
    Involuntary reflexive pelvic floor muscle training in addition to standard training alone for women with stress urinary incontinence: A randomized controlled trial. Annual Meeting of the Schweizer Gesellschaft für Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe (SGGG) 2019, St. Gallen. (Keynote presentation)

  • Koenig,I., Moetteli, C., Luginbuehl, H., Radlinger, L., Kuhn, A., Taeymans, J.
    Cost of illness in females with stress urinary incontinence in a German speaking part of Switzerland. 49th Annual Meeting of the International-Continence-Society (ICS) 2019, Gothenburg.

  • Luginbuehl, H., Lehmann, C., Koenig,I., Kuhn, A., Buergin, R., Radlinger, L.
    Involuntary reflexive pelvic floor muscle training in addition to standard training alone for women with stress urinary incontinence: A randomized controlled trial. 49th Annual Meeting of the International-Continence-Society (ICS) 2019, Gothenburg.

  • Lutz,N., Clarys, P., Koenig,I., Deliens, A., Taeymans, J., Verhaeghe, N.
    Interventions to improve physical activity and decrease sedentenary behavior at the workplace – a systematic review of economic evaluations. Annual Meeting of the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA) 2019, Prague.

  • Koenig,I., Eichelberger, P., Luginbuehl, H., Kuhn, A., Lehmann, C., Taeymans, J., Radlinger, L.
    Motor unit recruitment behavior of incontinent women’s pelvic floor muscles while running: A randomized controlled trial. World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT) 2019, Geneva.

  • Kuhn, M., Gass, S., Koenig, I., Radlinger, L.
    The ICF-Incontinence Assessment Form (ICF-IAF) to identify problems and resources in patients with urinary or fecal incontinence: Subproject the patient’s perspective. World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT) 2019, Geneva.

  • Koenig, I., Eichelberger, P., Leitner, M., Moser, H., Kuhn, A., Taeymans, J., Radlinger, L.
    Pelvic floor muscle activity patterns in women with and without stress urinary incontinence during running: A wavelet approach. Kongress Deutsche Kontinenz Gesellschaft (DKG) 2018, Stuttgart.

  • Koenig, I., Moser, H., Radlinger, L.
    Willkürliche und unwillkürliche Kontraktionen der Beckenbodenmuskulatur: Neue Überlegungen zur Trainingstherapie bei Belastungsinkontinenz. Kongress Deutsche Kontinenz Gesellschaft (DKG) 2018, Stuttgart. (Workshop)

  • Koenig, I., Eichelberger, P., Moser, H., Leitner, M., Kuhn, A., Taeymans, J., Radlinger, L.
    Fiber recruitment behavior of continent and incontinent women’s pelvic floor muscles while running: A wavelet approach. 48th Annual Meeting of the International-Continence-Society (ICS) 2018, Philadelphia.

  • The ICF-IAF-Consensus-Group: Austrian Delegation Goedl-Purrer, B., Udier, E.; German
    Delegation: von der Heide, S., Rothe, Ch.; Swiss Delegation: de Jong, J., Koenig, I; Radlinge, L., Koehler, B.
    Development of the ICF-Incontinence Assessment Form (ICF-IAF) to identify problems and resources of patients with urinary and / or faecal incontinence using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) of the World Health Organization (WHO): The formal conference for the adoption of the 1st version. 48th Annual Meeting of the International-Continence-Society (ICS) 2018, Philadelphia.

  • Koenig, I., Eichelberger, P., Leitner, M., Moser, H., Kuhn, A., Taeymans, J., Radlinger, L.
    Pelvic floor muscle activity patterns in women with and without stress urinary incontinence during running: A wavelet approach. International Urogynecological Association congress (IUGA) 2018, Wien.

  • Koenig, I., Blasimann, A., Hauswirth, A., Eichelberger, P., Baeyens, J.P., Radlinger, L.
    Wavelet analysis of electromyography derived from lower extremities while walking or running: A systematic review. Congress Reha Schweiz and Physioswiss 2017, Davos.

  • Koenig, I., Flury, N. (both first authors), Radlinger, L.
    Crosstalk considerations in studies evaluating pelvic floor muscles using electromyography in women: A scoping review. Congress Reha Schweiz and Physioswiss 2017, Davos.

  • Luginbuehl, H., Lehmann, C., Baeyens, JP., Kuhn, A., Koenig, I., Radlinger, L.
    Involuntary reflexive versus standard voluntary pelvic floor muscle training: RCT protocol testing a new therapy concept for stress urinary incontinence. Congress Reha Schweiz and Physioswiss 2017, Davos.

  • Koenig, I., Blasimann, A., Hauswirth, A., Eichelberger, P., Baeyens, J.P., Radlinger, L.
    Wavelet analysis of muscle activity of lower extremities while walking or running and pelvic floor muscles in women. A systematic review. World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT) 2017, Cape Town.

  • Koenig, I., Flury, N. (both first authors), Radlinger, L.
    Crosstalk considerations in studies evaluating pelvic floor muscles using electromyography in women: A scoping review. World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT) 2017, Cape Town.

  • Luginbuehl, H., Lehmann, C., Baeyens, JP., Kuhn, A., Koenig, I., Radlinger, L.
    Involuntary reflexive versus standard voluntary pelvic floor muscle training: RCT protocol testing a new therapy concept for stress urinary incontinence. World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT) 2017, Cape Town.

  • Flury, N., Koenig, I. (both first authors), Radlinger, L.
    Crosstalk considerations in studies evaluating pelvic floor muscles using electromyography in women: A scoping review. Pelvisuisse Symposium 2016, Winterthur.

  • Koenig, I., Blasimann, A., Hauswirth, A., Eichelberger, P., Baeyens, J.P., Radlinger, L.
    Wavelet Analyse der Muskelaktivitäten der unteren Extremitäten beim Gehen oder Laufen und der Beckenbodenmuskulatur bei Frauen: Ein systematisches Review. Kongress Deutsche Kontinenz Gesellschaft (DKG) 2016, Baden-Baden.

  • Koenig, I., Blasimann, A., Hauswirth, A., Eichelberger, P., Baeyens, J.P., Radlinger, L.
    Wavelet analysis of muscleactivity of lower extremities while walking or running and pelvic floor muscles in women. A systematic review. 46th Annual Meeting of the International-Continence-Society (ICS) 2016, Tokyo.

  • Koenig, I., Luginbuehl, H., Radlinger, L.
    Intra-session reliability of pelvic floor muscle electromyography tested on healthy women and women with stress urinary incontinence or weak pelvic floor muscle. International Urogynecological Association congress (IUGA) 2016, Cape Town.

  • Bardill, A., Bachmann, L., Eichelberger, P., Koenig, I., Luginbuehl, H., Radlinger, L.
    Exploring fatigue of pelvic floor muscles with electromyographic measurements during running. International Urogynecological Association congress (IUGA) 2016, Cape Town.

  • Koehler, B., Koenig, I., Brand, P., Gass, S., Kuhn, M., Radlinger, L.
    Entwicklung eines patientenorientierten Fragebogens bei Harn- und Stuhlinkontinenz auf der Basis der ICF (ICF-IAF). Physiocongress 2016, Basel.

  • Koenig, I., Luginbuehl, H., Radlinger, L.
    Intra-session reliability of pelvic floor muscle electromyography tested on healthy women and women with stress urinary incontinence or weak pelvic floor muscle. Physiocongress 2016, Basel.

  • Koenig, I., Luginbuehl, H., Radlinger, L.
    Intra-session reliability of pelvic floor muscle electromyography tested on healthy women and women with stress urinary incontinence or weak pelvic floor muscle. Pelvisuisse Symposium 2015, Winterthur.

  • Koehler, B., Koenig, I., Isler, M., Passweg, D., Radlinger, L.
    Development of the ICF-Incontinence Assessment Form to identify problems and resources in male and female patients with urinary or faecal incontinence (ICF-IAF): Subproject delphi technique survey among 262 physiotherapists in 5 german speaking countries. 45th Annual Meeting of the International-Continence-Society (ICS) 2015, Montreal, Volume: 34.


  • Physioswiss: Swiss Physiotherapy Association

  • WCPT: World Confederation for Physical Therapy

  • AMEE: The International Association for Health Professions Education


Overall average grade: 5.525 (Swiss grading: Best result: 6, last positive grade :4)

Luginbuehl, H., Lehmann, C., Baeyens, JP., Kuhn, A., Koenig, I., Radlinger, L. (2017).
Involuntary reflexive versus standard voluntary pelvic floor muscle training: RCT protocol testing a new therapy concept for stress urinary incontinence (Poster).

Luginbuehl, H., Lehmann, C., Koenig,I., Kuhn, A., Buergin, R., Radlinger, L.
(2019). Involuntary reflexive pelvic floor muscle training in addition to standard training alone for women with stress urinary incontinence: A randomized controlled trial. (Key note presentation).

Sprachen- und Länderkenntnisse

  • Deutsch - Muttersprache oder zweisprachig
  • Englisch - Konversationssicher
  • Französisch - Konversationssicher
  • Italienisch - Konversationssicher