Prof. Dr. Sibylle Frey
Prof. Dr. Sibylle Frey Leiterin Wiss. Arbeiten & Thesen, Doz.
Berner Fachhochschule
Fachbereich Pflege
Binningerstrasse 2
4142 Münchenstein
- 2006 - heute Dozentin (80%) BSc Pflege Berner Fachhochschule, Gesundheit
- 2009 - heute Internationale Koordinatorin Fachbereich Pflege Berner Fachhochschule, Gesundheit
- 2008 - 2013 Dozentin (20%) Angewandte Forschung und Entwicklung Berner Fachhochschule, Gesundheit
- 2005 - 2008 Expertenpool “Public-/ International Health” Glückskette Schweiz
- 2001 - 2006 Lehrerin Berufsschule Pflege DN2, Biel
- 1989 - 1996 Anästhesiepflege und Rettungsdienst Kantonsspital Baselland Liestal
- 1989 - 1990 Rettungsdienst- Medicall. globale medizinische Assistance Medicall, Brüttisellen
- 1986 - 1988 Anästhesiepflege Kantonsspital Aarau
- 1985 - 1986 Diplomierte Pflegefachfrau, IMC Kantonsspital Aarau
- 1984 - 1985 Diplomierte Pflegefachfrau, Chirurgie Kantonsspital Baselland Liestal
- International
- 2013 /2014 Lecturer International Module, Global Health Aalborg University College of Northern Denmark
- 2011 Lecturer Erasmus IP course: Changing towards a critical and innovative health professional Oliveira de Azeméis, Portugal
- 2003 Health consultant, Field assessment, HIV/AIDS programme CAFOD, Harar, Ethiopia
- 2002 Health consultant, evaluation family health education project Swiss Red Cross, Kosovo
- 2000 Health consultant (district hospital personnel training) Norwegian Red Cross, Nyanza, Rwanda
- 2000 Project coordinator, family health education programme Swiss Red Cross, Prishtina, Kosovo
- 2000 Health consultant (Assessment, development of family health education programme and first aid programme) Swiss Red Cross, Prishtina, Kosovo
- 1999 Project coordinator (Maternity hospital personnel training and Refugee- Basic Health Care programme) Swiss Red Cross, Fier, Albania and Peja, Kosovo
- 1996 - 1999 Project coordinator (Development/implementation National Nurse-Anaesthetist study programme, Kigali Health Institute;ICU personnel training, Butare University Hospital IFRC/ SRC, Kigali, Rwanda
- 1994 Nurse Anaesthetist, ICRC Hospital ICRC, Lokichokkio, Kenya (Sudan Op.)
- 1992 Nurse Anaesthetist, ICRC Flying surgical Team, ICRC, Somalia
- 1992 Nurse Anaesthetist, Intensiv Care Unit, ICRC Hospital, ICRC, Kabul, Afghanistan
- PhD, Doctor of Philosophy, Health Sciences, Gerontology/Public Health Faculty of Social Sciences,University of Tampere, Finland
- Degree of Master of Medical Science, International Health Faculty of Medicine, Uppsala University, Sweden
- Hochschuldidaktik Berner Fachhochschule
- Eidg. Fachausweis Ausbilderin Bundesamt für Berufsbildung und Technologie, SVEB, Bern
- International Diploma in Humanitarian Assistance International Health and co-operation CIHC, Hunter College City University NY, Geneva, Switzerland
- Fähigkeitsausweis Anästhesieschwester Aarau
- Diplom Allgemeine Krankenpflege Liestal
Abstracts, proceedings and posters in national and international conferences
Frey, S., Jylhä,M., Hantikainen,V. (2018, September) Health Promotion by Nurses for Older Persons in Hospital. 10th IUHPE - Health Promotion in the Life Course, Trondheim Norway. (oral presentation)
Frey, S. (2016, March) “caring out of a normal context- going abroad working in a humanitarian field”. Florence Network conference, University of Verona, Trento Italy. (oral presentation)
Frey, S., Sommerhalder, K. (2013, November). Gesundheitskompetenz in der BSc Pflege Ausbildung: Eine Herausforderung mit Grenzen (Health literacy in BSc nursing education: a challenge with borders). Pflege Kongress Wien. (oral presentation)
Frey, S., Jylhä, Hantikainen, Hahn, S. (2013, October) Health Promotion by Nurses for older Persons in Hospitals. ENDA Congress Zurich. (poster presentation)
Frey, S. (2012, September). Teaching in multicultural classrooms: from Theory to practice. EAIE Dublin, Ireland. (workshop)
Hahn, S., Thilo, F., Sommerhalder, K. & Frey, S. (2012, Mai). Gesundheitskompetenz definieren, fördern, leben. Swiss Congress for Health Professions. Winterthur. (oral presentation)
Frey, SM., Jylhä, M., Hantikainen, V. (2011, June). "Health promotion of hospitalized elderly by nurses". 19th International Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services. Turku, Finland. (oral presentation)
Frey, S., Jylhä, M., Hantikainen, V. (2011, Juni). “Gesundheitsförderung bei älteren Menschen im Akutspital - eine pflegerische Herausforderung“. Fachsymposium Gesundheit St. Gallen. (oral presentation
Sommerhalder, K., Frey, S., & Hahn, S. (2010). Erfassung und Förderung der Gesundheitskompetenz: Eine zentrale Aufgabe für Gesundheitsberufe. Swiss Congress for Health Professions, Fribourg. (paper presentation)
Sommerhalder, K., Frey, S., & Hahn, S. (2010). Identifying and Supporting Patients with low Health Literacy. 20th IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion, Geneva. (paper presentation)
Sommerhalder, K., Frey, S. & Hahn, S. (2010) Identifying patients with low health literacy. In Fourth European Nursing Congress. Older Persons: The Future of Care, Vol. 19 (Watson, R. ed. Journal of Clinical Nursing. Wiley-Blackwell, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, pp. 30.
Frey, S. (2020, November). Poster einfach erstellen. 8. Notfallpflegekongress, Nottwil. (online Congress, oral presentation).
Mantzoukas, S., Schärli-Lim, S., Kelly, H., Falk, K., Frey, S., Van Der Aa, C. (2021). The impact of The Florence Network in advancing nursing and midwifery in Europe. Nurse Education in Practice, 50(1), S. 1-5. Elsevier. 10.1016/j.nepr.2020.102919
Helfer, T., Fäh, D., Luijckx, E. Frey, S., Berg Maeder, A., Peter, K. A. (2020). The Connection between Health Promotion, Prevention, and Psychosocial Health: An Innovative Action Model The Open Public Health Journal, 13(1), S. 850-855. 10.2174/1874944502013010850
Büttler, N., Frey, S. (2019). Mit ätherischen Ölen gegen PONV: Aromatherapie bei postoperativer Nausea und Emesis. Krankenpflege SBK, 04, 30-31.
Frey, S. M. (2018). Health Promotion by nurses for older Persons (Doctoral dissertation). Acta Electronica Universitatis Tamperensis 1852. ISBN 978-952-03-0645-8 (pdf).
Wyss, V., Frey, S. (2017). Familie als Teil des Teams: Angehörigenpräsenz während der Reanimation im Schockraum. Krankenpflege SBK, 04, 26-28.
Nagy, M. & Frey, S. (2016). Wirksamkeit von Body-Mind-Spirit-Interventionen auf Wohlbefinden, funktionelle Einschränkungen und Lebensqualität bei Menschen mit Depressionen. FIT-Nursing Care.
Frey, S. & Nagy, M. (2015). Pflegegeleitetes Case-Management Programm für ältere Menschen. FIT-Nursing Care.
Sommerhalder, K., Frey, S., Hahn, S. (2010). Identifying patients with low health literacy Journal of Clinical Nursing, 19(S1), S. 30. Wiley-Blackwell – STM.
Über: Tolsdorf, M, (2008) Verborgen. Gesundheitssituation und-versorgung versteckt lebender Migrantinnen in Deutschland und in der Schweiz. Hans Huber, (ISBN: 978-3-456-84554-8) In Pflege 22 (2009) S.314.