Nicole Lutz Dozentin
The goal of this research project is to develop an upper extremity assistive technology that assists individuals with tetraplegia to perform activities relevant to daily living.
Lutz, N., Zesiger, L., Rogan, S., & Tscholl, P. (2020). Übungsempfehlungen bei patellofemoralen Knieschbeschwerden (Vol. 68, Issue 1). Rub Media.
Rogan, S., Taeymans, J., Clijsen, R., Lutz, N., & Tscholl, P. (2020). Konservative Behandlungs-Strategien patellofemoraler Beschwerden in der Physiotherapie. (Vol. 68, Issue 1). Rub Media.
Blasimann Schwarz, A., Eichelberger, P., Lutz, N., Radlinger, L., & Baur, H. (2018). Intra- and interday reliability of the dynamic navicular rise, a new measure for dynamic foot function : A descriptive, cross-sectional laboratory study (Vol. 37). Elsevier.
Eichelberger, P., Blasimann Schwarz, A., Lutz, N., Krause, F., & Baur, H. (2018). A minimal markerset for three-dimensional foot function assessment. measuring navicular drop and drift under dynamic conditions (Vol. 11, Issue 1). BioMed Central.